Same Love

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Macklemore (for those who wanna know, great song I highly recommend, especially if your reading this book)


The day of the Gucci modeling show was on, I invited Anne but I don't if she's going to even come like we didn't confirm anything, I don't know if theres even anything going on with us. "Hey Nancy I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!!" Lana interrupts my thoughts, "yeah, you need to catch up on a LOT, but-" I get cut off by Harry and Louis, I invited all the boys. "Hey Nancy where are we supposed to be sitting?, oh hey" he adds at the end noticing a grinning Lana, "at the front, um yeah, Harry again Lana, have you seen Anne, she said she'd come!" I say getting a bit upset thinking she hasn't come. "Nah sorry haven't seen her yet, come on sun!" he says dragging Louis to his seat, "um ok whats up with THAT" she says pointing at the 2 boys holding hands, I smile at her hoping she gets it so I don't have to state the obvious, I end up having to do it. "Lana, they are dating!" I say quickly, "who's dating?" Anne's voice comes from behind me, "you came!" I say excitedly jumping into her arms. "Yeah I said I would didn't I?" she says confused, "yeah but your kinda late that's all, anyway no I was just saying that H and L are dating now and Liam and Zayn" I say making Lana's jaw drop, "hey, they're not the only ones taken in your little group cant forget yourself!" she says casually. "Since when?" I say excitedly, "since I took you on the date, you bloody wanker!" she says, and I grin up at her and go back to looking at Lana's shocked expression.

For the modeling all I had to do was wear one of Gucci's new suits, it was amazing. When the show is over Anne comes over "you were so good, you looked so good too!" she said with a smirk, I kiss her not caring we are in public. "Hey I was thinking, did we wanna announce our relationship tonight?" she asks, "oh yeah whenever your ready" I say truthfully, I honestly just wanna get it out of the way.

We get back to Niall and my apartment, "you were so good today!" Niall says as we walk in "thanks, oh did you hear about the big news?!" I say excitedly, "awww no what is it?" he asks eagerly, "Anne and I are announcing we are together to the public tonight!" I say with a grin, "don't you think its a little too early? I mean you have been going out what a week?" he says with a worried look, "I-" he interrupts me, "look sorry if I made you feel bad its just that I am worried...just remember if it ever stops I will always be there to pick up the pieces, kay, your like my sister you know that" he says.

"Yeah I know and I know you will always be here...hey also could Anne stay tonight just cause of the announcement and stuff?" I say looking at him in the eye, "I was gonna ask you a similar question too about Zara coming up...maybe we should just invite everyone up?" he asks, "that is an amazing idea but its just gonna be something chill ok?" I say with a grin thinking that everyone is going to be here for the announcement. We call everyone and they get within the hour, its 7:00pm now, "ok so how are we doing this?" she asks, "ok just look at my camera and smile ok?" I ask smiling, she does as I ask and I post the tweet. It is a picture of Anne with a cringey smile, with a caption that says "My Princess", Anne looks down at her phone and chuckles, "Oh my god, my fans are gonna go crazy, but that is such a good idea!" she says and does the same, we then post a photo of us kissing with the caption "Girlfriends<3". My phone blows up, the first notification I get is from a fan saying "I knew it, you too are so cute together!!" I reply to them with a love heart and a thankyou. I look up from my phone with a grin and everyone smiles at both Anne and I with wide smiles. That's it its official, I am Anne-Marie's girlfriend.

Ok so quite a short chapter but I have an amazing idea cause I'm amaz- nope not really but have nothing else to do except homework, vote, like, comment?


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