02 Untangling Thoughts

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Indeed my Lord is near and responsive.

(Quran 11:61)

(Quran 11:61)

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Sitting on the steps of masjid, he brushes his wet black hair back and lets out a deep sigh forming puffs of mist in the air.

Finding tranquility upon seeing empty roads he closes his eyes letting the beads of rain wash away the strain of tears he let out for the past one hour after fajr prayer. There seems no end to problems, he doesn't find the reason to go on. He fears the darkness in his heart will make him a beast. Though he tries to remain human, the world chooses the bitter side of him. He needs to stop, stop himself at the expense of this dunya.

He let's out a deep breathe with the sudden rush of wind. The leaves detach themselves, rapidly fall and flow along the rainwater.

Has it been easy to let go..?
The empty spots on branches will soon replace new leaves. Has the nature always been like this or it's just me overthinking about everything lately?

I've achieved the ambition we had dreamt together. How am I in the right place when I don't have you to share my happiness with.

If I had appreciated my parents a little more, would I have felt less guilty?

Mamma, Baba why does my heart ache like this? Do memories selectively fade..? why is it when it comes to me, I remember the last time I saw you in hospital bed, lifeless.

I was too naive to give my love back to you, the way you deserved.

If only life could take me back, I'll love you a little more, give you a little more.

I'll remember you baba, I'll remember you mamma till the last moment of my life with all my heart. Ya Allah, i want to relive my past.

Ya Wadood,

I want to be loved again and this time i won't be late to cherish, late to love or to stay.

I'll do anything to treasure all the blessings you have bestowed me with.
Anything to fill my heart with light.

I'll be there like baba was for mamma, to the future her.

The sound of children snap him out of his world. His eyes follow them and stop when they offer bouquets and bunches of flowers to a lady dressed in abaya. The surroundings still for him.

The enormous black cloud which refused to sway let the rays of sunshine bless the earth. The withering sunflower finally found its sun.

She moves the umbrella, unveiling her eyes, a beaming smile flashes his face, leaving him in trance.

There is no word that would do justice to her eyes which turn into chocolate crescent as the children hug her with love.

On cold and wet yet draughty land, she seems like a warm scented flower.

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