03 Collapsing Sandcastle

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Obey Allah and the Messenger

(Quran 3:32)


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I notice you a lot these days.
I don't know. The more I see you the more I know the image I had... the perfect you, seems to be withering away..

You are just like other beings...yet everything you do...

I rarely saw you smile and laugh or maybe I should blame the mask to hide those pretty curves.

I think I should take a look at you again.. Do you perhaps have dimple on your left side? Because I saw one when you laughed.

Astagfirullah! I'll land myself in Jahannum for doing so.

Your teeth perfectly aligned, those veiny hands of yours, your folded sleeves, I saw your cute fist bump with your friend. Your thumbs playing on your mobile screen.. I almost notice everything.

Today I saw you looking at me, maybe it was for ten seconds. Your cheeks red and your forehead covered in sweat. Your inexpressive almond eyes.

I was internally thanking Allah for letting covid cases decline, I literally just saw you, your face.

I saw your collar bone as you bent to take your bag. I'm not fond of checkered shirts but you look good in them. It makes me wonder what my heart would do if I saw you in plain ones.

What are you? Why do I notice you so much? What do we have ahead?

Oh boy.. Why do i find you so amusing?

"Well, well. Congratulations for your first love which is, sadly unrequited for now, " says Zahra as Shifa read out what she had written.

"Do you think he'll like me? "

"There is no one who would say 'No' to you shif."

"All this is so scary, but I'm loving the process. "

"I really wish we get married the same day."

Shifa smiles at Zahra's bizarre imagination, stretching her limbs on the bed, she stops yawning midway when it hits her, making her suddenly spring up and ask "wait.. What? When?!"

Zahra giggles, she turning into a shade of pink.

"Dad's friend's cousin's wife saw me in a wedding reception. Apparently, she liked me and when they came home, things turned out to be pretty smooth from both the sides. So, that's how.. "

"Oh my sweet Allah! " exclaims Shifa.
"What does he do? Did you see him? What's his name? "

"Yes, I did see him. He looks decent enough, in a nice way, belongs to the Ansari family and..i dont know the rest. "

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