11 Flickering Lantern

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He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth! Whenever He decrees a matter He (merely) says: "Be! ", and it is!

(Quran 2:117)

(Quran 2:117)

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She peeps outside her room through the transparent window, silently observing the chaos in the house. Her parents dressed in their finest clothes, running through people, arranging things, sometimes telling Nahyan certain work. Occasionally wiping the beads of sweat yet persistently smiling and doing work. Somehow the work never seems to cease, running to organize something or sometimes scolding the catering staff. Greeting relatives to offering them with hospitality, yet the smile on their face never disappeared.

Getting married meant leaving her safe bubble to start a new blank book, an uncertain future. Maybe that's where the thrill lies. But at this moment, no thrill seeped in but rather contemplation of her choices. Though her heart is content, a constant fear stayed.

She sits down beside Shifa and Anam who is sleeping despite the noises. Circling her ring she looks at the beautiful work of mehendi on her hands. His name hidden amongst the design of art.

A soft smile plays on her lips as she recalls how she rushed home to check the bio data again with the name written D. Amaan Zaidi but a different photo attached to it. Searching different drawers, she found envelopes and there was his photo, misplaced by another. Her soul muttered a chain of alhamdulillah, that's when she thought, perhaps he is worth it, after all, her lord chose him for her.

When she told her friends about this, they were equally flabbergasted by the games of Al Aleem. Everything just happened for Noor to realise that decisions taken in haste and anger usually lead to destruction, and that, that she needs to trust All Mighty more than anything and the power of duaa.

"So lady, if you are done with ablution, we'll start with make-up. Done with Isha prayer right? "

Breaking her thoughts, she looks at Abeeha, nodding.

"How's work? " she asks opening the window before sitting down in front of the mirror, allowing the cool breeze to brush through her.

Diligently working on her face while Shifa works on her hair. "A lot better than expected. A lot of females have got immense help. They have a compartment for kids too, those females who can't leave their kids for long hours, send their kids there. Babysitters are present. And when you are done with work or if you think it's feeding time, we can go. Also there is paid maternity leave. Fawad is really nice and compassionate."

"Your boss? " asks Shifa clipping Noor's hair.

"Yeah, I've even seen Dawood there, and I was so shocked when I came to know that he too is my boss. Dawood and Fawad planners, D&F planners. It's just your to-be rarely comes, he usually travels to different cities, their other branches. Did you know?"

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