05 Her Refugee

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And the next life is certainly far better for you than this one.

(Quran 93:4)

(Quran 93:4)

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"And oh! I forgot to mention, your dad gave our names to professor for the camp that's going to be held next week near Zahirabaad, " informs Shifa as she continues to tickle Anam who tried getting away from the sweet torture.

"What? That's like 11 hours from here! And you didn't even ask me, you know we need ammi's permission before we make a move, Shif! " gasps Noor with her eyes widening.

"Relax.. Im sure your dad spoke to mom about this."

"Still, Shif!" she whines.

"What? I didn't do anything. He just gave our names and then he informed me."

"Alright.. " says Noor giving in, "and when did you get close to abba? "

"Jealous...?" Shifa shoots up a brow.

"My shoe! " she snorts, taking Anam into her arms and nuzzling her nose to hers.

"So whats new in life, ladies? " asks Abeeha bringing fruits in a tray, pulling a chair and sitting infront of them with her messy bun and tired eyes.

Anam hasn't been well for few days, coping up with the climate change left her in a flu and Abeeha disturbed. Hence, the two decided to drop by, hoping and praying for an improvement in Anam's health.

Thinking for a while, Shifa's eyes sparkle as she speaks " there is this new person in hospital, more like a guardian, Dawood. Not to mention how Noor takes special care of him. "

"Huh? When? I take care of the patient named Adnan.. "

"Which he brought, " interrupts Shifa.

"That's because he is orphan, his guardian comes once in two days. I don't want him to feel bad, he keeps looking around with sad eyes."

"Oh please Noor. You know how Dawood is the talk of hospital since the time he entered. "

"I have no concern to him, he left a patient in our care and it's our duty to.. "

"Has he never crossed your mind? "

"Why would he? "

"Why not? When we are in the hospital, almost every talk gets linked to him. Half the hospital is already smitten by him."

"And in the other half which isn't smitten by him contains 'me'. "

"Okay guys, stop! Fill in the blanks, " says Abeeha trying to figure out everything.

Shifa starts narrating the incident which took a week ago, exaggerating and mimicking every detail that she could making Abeeha listen with undivided attention.

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