Chapter 1: Meeting the Alpha Pokémon!

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Amy ran towards the house in her school uniform. "Mom was going to kill me if I don't get home now." She thought. 

Running faster and faster as she knew the later she is the fewer bits of lunch she is getting. Then she tripped on a bottle, It was not there before, or else the janitor's Mincinno would have picked it up already. She saw the neighbors stare at her and she knew they were confused as she had been when they did this to her the first 4 times. Now it's just normal. She pretended to get up as the laughter and footsteps came closer and closer, she closed her eyes as she prepared herself. 

"You're so weak Amy," Kara said to her. "I'm updating the notes, apparently nerds don't see trash on the floor!" Lora said as all three of them giggled. "And one more thing before we start if any of you try to help her. My Gabite will give you second thoughts. "Nora threatened the neighbors. They soon began kicking and teasing her. Kara is the most pretty and beautiful girl in the school and has a God Complex. Lora was the biggest bad student in the school and is the principal's daughter. Nora was a strong trainer and she even used to be Amy's friend. But all that changed when Nora met Lora. She used to try and join them, but all they saw in her was her being a huge nerd. She snapped back to reality when she heard sirens and her mom talking to a police officer. Apparently, she ran out seeing the mess outside and called Officer Jenny. Amy's mom wasn't a bad mother, she only picks out her food every 5 minutes she is late to tell her to be on time for everything. She is also very protective of Amy. She is willing to send her to the Hospital for a scratch. "Alright, who called Officer Jenny?" Nora shouted in anger. Nora looked like she was about to attack but seeing Officer Jenny's Arcanine preparing an Ice Fang she stopped herself. "You know what? I won't punish you all physically, what about mentally?" Amy's eyes widened she knew what was about to happen. Nora pointed down at Amy, "Gabite teach them a lesson." Nora commanded Gabite. With a blink, everything was black. 

Amy looked around for a few minutes until a bright light appeared. Is this 'The Light' her dad said he saw before he passed away? But suddenly it spoke. 

"Welcome to my realm, located beyond both time and space. It is well that thou art here. I am that which humans call Arceus. What is thy name?" The light revealed itself to be Alpha Pokémon himself Arceus which she read about in a book once.

"I-I'm Amy" She responded to his question.

"Amy, Soon thou shalt find thyself in a world strange to thee, A world inhabited by wondrous creatures that humans call Pokémon. Amy, defeat all Pokémon, and thou shalt find a new life." With that, Arceus shinned brighter. 

Pokemon Copyrighted by Nintendo

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