Epilogue: Nora

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Nora walked into a tall building. Looking at all the pictures of old employees who either passed away, retired, or even fired.

"Can I help you?" A woman asked. "No thanks, I could help myself," Nora answered. "Oh, well that's surprising. Did you not notice I'm a member of the Kalos Elite Four?" The woman asked, drawing Nora's attention.

The woman was slim, with pink hair with matching pink glasses. The long exercise pants have a few diamond patterns in varying colors. Reading the small tang pinned on her jacket Nora's eyes widened as she read Malva.

"Does my name ring a bell?" Malva asked. "No, but did you by chance have an ancestor named Malvin by any chance?" Nora asked.

Malva scratched her head. "I don't recall that name I'm sorry," Malva answered.

"That's fine," Nora said, turning her head back outside. Nora frowned when she was outside. She scratched her head. "What kind of person would have a G.S Ball in Kalos?" Nora mumbled.

"Excuse me," A man said. "Oh, I'm sorry, here" Nora moved out of the way of the building.

"No, I'm not trying to get in. I'm talking to you." The man said. Nora tilted her head, as the man held up a badge. "The name is Looker, I'm sent by the International Police to search for you." The man said. "I'm guessing your boss just read my e-mail?" Nora asked.

"Yes, they want to know how you know all of this. Especially being a Sinnohian." Looker said. "We'll talk in the ride. This is too exposed to the public." Nora said as Looker led her.

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