Chapter 28: Mega Shananigans

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Nora walked around the town amazed at the difference of Kalos and Hisui. This place was more advance in clothing and construction than Hisui while Hisui was better at Pokemon Battles as Kalos still has no proper Battle system.A scream ran through the streets alerting everyone. Nora ran pass the crowds seeing a shocking sight, a rampaging duo of Charizards who had somehow evolved into Mega Charizard X and Y.

People were frozen not knowing what happened to these Charizards. Nora looked closer seeing the Charizard Y gripping onto a woman. Nora sighed and sent out Garchomp, she put on a small necklace with the new Garchompite onto Garchomp and pointed at the Charizard X. 

"Dragon Claw." Nora commanded. Garchomp nodded and flew up to the Charizard with insane speeds and flung it's claws at the Charizard, who was obviously furious and shot a Flamethrower at Garchomp. Nora pressed lightly on the Keystone on her neck. 

"Lets go Garchomp, Mega Evolve!" Nora yelled. Garchomp roared and was engulfed in light.

When the light faded Garchomp had red coated blades on it's arms and was bigger than it's original form. 

"Garchomp, use Dragon Claw!" Nora commanded. Garchomp swung it's blades at the two Charizard whose eyes widened in shock.

The woman fell from the sky screaming as Garchomp swooped down catching her mid air. Garchomp landed in front of Nora, soon returning back to it's original form. 

The woman thanked Nora a billion times before leaving. As the crowd dispersed Nora was approached by another man. 

"Hey there." The man said. "Hey." Nora responded returning Garchomp back to it's Pokeball.

"You know, that was the first time I have ever seen someone use those Infinity Energy on command." The man said."Is that what you called it here?" Nora asked."What do you call it then?" The man asked."Mega Evolution." Nora responded."Interesting, but these 'Mega Forms' have been appearing in Kalos quite a lot recently. We don't know why but it is terrorising the people here." He said."What do I have to do with it? I don't even know you." Nora asked."Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Malvin, you can call me Mal." The man said."Nora." Nora said. Mal invited Nora to his head quarters and served some tea. "As I said, these 'Mega Forms' have been appearing in Kalos for a while. We know some people could do it on command. But those people don't want to tell us how, we even got all the gems they used, it just did not work. When we show them the gems they just laughed." Mal said. 

"Can I see it?" Nora asked. Mal stood up and walked to a nearby table grabbing a tray and placing it in front of her. Nora looked into it and almost puked, the stones were real, but they were all Key Stones.

"I see the problem, these are Key Stones." Nora said."And why does that not work?" Mal asked.Nora sighed. 

"Key Stones are to be held by the trainer. Pokemon are supposed to hold stones like my Garchomp's Garchompite. There is also one more thing to be completed, which is better unsaid." Nora said.

"Why? We need to know about this information so we could help Kalos." Mal asked."Mega Evolution are passed down generation to generation, or through one of the members to teach others. They are called Mega Successors, my family were the few chosen to use Mega Evolution. But what worries me is that people might be behind these feral Mega Pokemon." Nora responded."So, your saying that some Mega Successor decided to use Mega Evolution to possibly end all life?" Mal asked. 

"Possibly, in my knowledge some Pokemon could Mega Evolve on their own. Some wild Pokemon might have been charged up with Mega Energy in the war." Nora said. 

"Well, we have to find out what is happening with these attacks." Mal said.

"I have a month before I leave." Nora said."Well that just made thing tougher."Mal grunted in anger.

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