Epilogue: Amy

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Luxray collapsed on the ground as a Garchomp roared fiercely, showing her status.

"And, Luxray is unable to battle! Garchomp is still standing! The challenger has lost the battle!" The Broadcaster yelled.

The woman smiled, calmly walking over to Amy. "That was an incredible battle, I never felt so alive for so long." The woman said, as her voice echoed through the arena.

"Thanks miss Cynthia," Amy said.

"Y'know, we are looking for a new member in the Elite Four so Bertha can finally retire, are you interested in joining?" Cynthia asked.

The crowd erupted into whispers, hearing Cynthia's proposal.

"It would be an honor, but would I need to change my team? I have a type diverse team." Amy said.

"You don't have to, there were examples of GYM Leaders not having a diverse team, who is to say the Elite Four can't do this?" Cynthia said.

Amy paused, seeing Garchomp holding Luxray back up on all fours. Amy took a deep breath, "I'll try it out,"

Author's Note:

I never expected to get this far in the story. Back then I was just writing this for fun.

I thank you all for this, as I think I said before, I want to write a book 2 for this.

Though this will take longer, I want to write stories with longer chapters.

So once this is done I will start posting them. Maybe I will write other stories while doing book 2.

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