Chapter 22: Jubilife Meeting

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Amy watched in amazement, she always knew Akari had strong and rare pokemon through Rei's guidance, but she never expected Akarito have a Samurott. 

"Samurott, use Razor Shell!" Akari commanded. 

"Rhyperior, dodge it and use Mud Shot!" Terra yelled. Samurott slashed at its target with its blades while Rhyperior moved out of the way and blasted at Samurott, this did not phase Samurott however. Samurott swung its horn at its target attacking with Night Slash. Rhyperior's armor protected it from any harm. 

"Strong Style Hydro Pump!" Akari commanded. Samurott blasted a focused stream of water toward Rhyperior who was not expecting such a strong attack and immediately fainted upon impact. And Akari continued to breeze through all of Terra's pokemon. 

"This is not the last you'll see of me! I'll be back for more!" Terra yelled running away using his Gliscor. Akari sent out her Staraptor, "Staraptor use Peck." Staraptor moved its wings and flew high in the sky, pecking at Terra repeatedly causing Terra to lose his grip. 

Staraptor used his claws to grab Terra lowering him to the ground. "We need to bring him back to Jubilife Village," Amy suggested. Akari nodded. 

Amy and Akari walked into the meeting room seeing a large table with chairs around it somewhere against the wall as the room might not fit everyone. Amy sees Kamado and the captains sitting near the end and Nora sitting just opposite Kamado. 

Amy sat down near Nora catching up with her while they wait. Akari sat close by as well. soon more people arrived. Akari noticed someone called out, "Rei! Over here!" Akari pulled out a chair for a boy about Akari's age. "So, you two must be Amy and Nora. Akari told me a lot

about you. I want to test your true strength later." The boy said. Kamado stood up getting everyone's attention. 

"The meeting is starting now, please remain quiet until told to speak," Kamado said. Kamado sat back down. "I have gotten word that there are tamers creating a mess in Hisui, Amy, Palina would you like to talk to us about the incident with the Miss Fortunes?" Kamado started. 

"I'll start, I was only visiting the Noble Arcanine when those three popped out of nowhere and started attacking us. I was trying to hold them back until someone arrives to help." Palina said. 

"I heard an explosion at Firepit Island so I headed there by riding on Basculegion. I fought them off but I wasn't able to capture them.

"Amy continued. "What about the explosion in the Sunview Arena?" Kamado asked. "Me and Nora here found Melli there yelling at Electrode who was on a tree. He seemed mad and was not aware of our presence until I walked in." Ingo said. 

"That's not true! I am just trying to feed my precious Electrode. I am never going to hurt him, physically and mentally. They were the ones who made a ruckus down there with a battle so loud, it disturbed Electrode." A man with long purple hair was accused. "If so, why were you throwing a rock at it?"Nora said digging into her bag

"You don't have proof of that. So clearly you are guilty-" Melli said in shock. "What in the world is that?" Akari asked. 

"It's a phone, like an Arc Phone but without the Arc. I took a picture of him holding a rock and pointing at Electrode." Nora said. "I see, then I think I have an idea of what we could do," Cyllene said.

 "Go on," Kamado said. 

"We offer a job to one of the Miss Fortunes and take away Melli's Warden status, maybe the leader to become Electrode's new Warden.."Cyllene suggested. 

"That's too risky! What if they take Electrode and run off?" Zisu argued. 

"Silence!" Beni said. Kamado thought for a while. "Rei, what do you think? You have the most experience dealing with them." Kamado asked. 

"I think that's a good idea. But we need to make sure they accept the deal." Rei said. Everyone whispered to the people beside them, struggling to figure out if this was a good idea. 

"We could use an artifact to lure them out," Irida suggested. 

"But what kind of artifact? It has to be very important." A member asked. 

"Something like an orb that can control legendary pokemon," Rei said. "I like where this is going." Adaman smiled. 

"What do the other Captains think about this?" Kamado asked. 

"I think it's a good idea, two Starlys one stone," Passelle said. 

"I don't like that idea! Wastes our energy when they steal out things." Tao Hua growled. 

"No, please don't!" Melli beggedas everyone ignored him. "No, we cannot trust those thugs!" Zisu said. 

"It is settled. Melli, unfortunately, will be staying." Kamado sighed. 

"What do you mean, unfortunately?" Melli asked. 

Amy raised her hand. " What if I do it?"

Author's Note:

I have been writing rapidly recently, I have reached Chapter 31 in writing while I posted 22. I went a more special path in the future Chapters.

I can tell you a few secrets though, through a question!

What is your favorite Mega Evolution?

Mine is Swampert.

You can answer in the comments. It is fine if you don't want to.

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