Chapter 31: Lost in Barrens

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Dear Diary,
It has been around two months since we've been here in this world. Originally seeing Giratina, I thought that we would be sent to the Distortion World, but it seemed we are in Ultra Space. I still cannot identify what region of it we are in as no Ultra Beast has come to attack us yet.
We have no idea what is happening in Hisui, I hope everyone is safe. We have been eating the plants here for the past two months, they taste very sour but we have no choice. We have been searching for an exit for a very long time. If you're reading this, we might be long dead or have given this to you. Whatever it is, I hope Hisui is safe.
Amy closed her diary, adjusting her messy hair. 

"Hey, Amy time to go. I hear some movement coming." Nora said making Amy jump. "Yeah, one sec," Amy responded, gathering her things.

A boom echoed outside the cave making the duo look outside. A giant black foot outside the cave, identifying the foot, Amy gasped.

"Guzzlord." Amy shivered in fear. "What?" Nora asked. "It's a Guzzlord. We're in deep trouble." Amy responded.

"Naganadel use Dragon Pulse!" Someone yelled out. The Guzzlord roared, falling over and sending dust into the cave.

Amy and Nora opened their eyes seeing two people standing next to the Guzzlord, one appearing to be a small girl with ginger hair and the other an old man. Next to them are two pokemon.

The smaller pokemon looked around, making eye contact with Amy. The Pokemon squeaked getting the attention of the two strangers.

"Phyco, there are fallers here." The girl tugged on the old man's sleeves.

"Calm down, Zossie. You can go help them first." The old man or Phyco informed pulling out an odd Pokeball.

The girl scooted over next to Amy and Nora. "Oh hi there! I'm Poipole and this is Zossie! What's yours?" She said. The Poipole squeaked making the girl realize something. "Oh no, I mean I'm Zossie and this is Poipole." She corrected herself.

"I-I'm Amy, and this is Nora," Amy said. Zossie pulled out a device pressed buttons and pointed it at them for a few moments. "Oh my! Your energy levels are high!" Zossie shouted. Phyco ran over looking at Zossie's device. "How long have you been here?" Phyco asked. "About two months," Nora said.

"Odd, two months would have energy levels up to 1000, not 571. How?" Phyco questioned, scratching his head. "Well, whatever. We have to send them back! Come on!" Zossie pushed Phyco.

"So, when and where did you come from?" A lady Zossie introduced as Soliera asked. "Soliera, I think their Pokeballs and clothes tell us that." A man named Dulse said with a blank face.
"Hisui, basically old Sinnoh," Nora informed. "What does your modern Pokeball mean?" Zossie said pointing at Garchomp's Pokeball. "Well, Arceus sent us to Hisui to help them," Amy responded.
"That's bad, we don't know if we send you to Hisui or modern-day Sinnoh," Phyco said pressing buttons on a control panel.
The four started arguing about what option to pick. Amy and Nora stared, not knowing what to do.
"Silence!" An echoing voice said from the opened Ultra Wormhole, causing everyone to stare at the Wormhole.
"I have been setting you four idiots to them and you barely missed them every time. I am not going to wait longer for you to send them back." A voice echoed through the wormhole. In an instant, Amy and Nora were lifted a few feet above the ground and pulled into the wormhole.

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