S1 Chapter 1: Cruelty

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It was snowing hard and a boy with red hair done in a pony tail, a burn scar on the top left corner of his forehead, red eyes, long pants, a pair of Hanafuda earrings, a blue scarf, and a green checker pattern haori was carrying a unconscious girl who was bleeding from her head, long black hair with a small pink ribbon in it and a pink kimono on his back.

Scar boy: How? How in the world could something like this happen? Come on, Nezuko, I got you. Don't die on me! No matter what it takes, I'll save you! I won't let you die! I promise I'll save you, your big brother's got you!

Earlier that day.

The same boy was putting a basket of charcoal on his back.

???: Tanjiro?

He turned with soot on his face to a woman in white.

Women: Your face is all covered in soot. Let me clean you up.

The woman started to clean Tanjiro's face.

Woman: You know, you really don't have to go. All this snow could be dangerous.

Tanjiro: I want us to have a good New Year's celebration where everyone can eat as much as they want, so I'll sell all the charcoal I can.

Woman: How thoughtful.

???: Hey, bro!

A little boy and girl ran to them.

Boy: Are you going to town again today?

Girl: I'm coming with you!

Woman: No, you're not. You know you can't walk as fast as Tanjiro can, sweetie.

Boy: Aw, come on, Mom!

Mother: No way. He's not going to be able to use the cart today, which means he can't give you a ride when you get tired.

The started pouting and went to Tanjiro.

Boy: Tanjiro!

He hugged Tanjiro tight.

Girl: I wanna come with you! I promise I'll help out!

He pat her on the head.

Tanjiro: That's very generous of you, Hanako. But no, you're staying home today.

Hanako started to tear up and Tanjiro kneeled down to the little boy.

Tanjiro: Sorry, Shigeru. You are too, but I'll bring back lots of goodies, okay?

Shigeru: Promise?

Tanjiro: Yeah.

Shigeru smiled at his brother and Tanjiro pat Hanako on the head again.

Tanjiro: And, Hanako, I'll read for you when I come home later.

Hanako: Okay!

Tanjiro: Good girl.

Mother: Thank you for doing this, Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Of course.

He rose up.

Tanjiro: Time for me to head out. Hey, Takeo... Do me a favor while I'm gone, okay? Chop as much wood as you can.

He was talking to another boy with a hatchet.

Takeo: Yeah, I was already going to do that anyway... but I was kinda hoping we'd do that together this time.

Tanjiro started to pat Takeo's head too.

Tanjiro: There, there, now.

Takeo pulled away.

Takeo: Knock it off, would ya?

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