S1 Chapter 16: Letting Someone Else Go First

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He put his two swords into the ground and put his hands out to side.

Inosuke: Beast Breathing, Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness!

He started to feel the air around him and after a few seconds, he got something.

Tanjiro: You find them?

Inosuke took his swords out of the ground.

Inosuke: Yeah! Follow me that way! I'm sensing a strong presence over there!

Tanjiro: You are? Way to go, Inosuke!

Y/n focused on where Inosuke was pointing.

Y/n: This demon isn't too strong though. It shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Him and Inosuke dodged an attack from puppet Demon Slayers.

Inosuke: We can't get anywhere with these guys around!

Tanjiro: Damn. Isn't there... Isn't there anyway we can get out of this?

Inosuke: To hell with this crap! That's it! I'm just gonna demolish them all at once!

Tanjiro: Stop it!

Y/n: No, Tanjiro. They're either suffering or dead, we have no time for your kindhearted morals.

Tanjiro: There must be a way to save them! Listen, we can hurt these people-

A controlled Demon Slayer came at Tanjiro but Murata blocked it with his own sword.

Tanjiro: Murata?

Murata: Just leave these guys to me and go on ahead, Tanjiro!

Y/n: Well, look who finally grew a pair.

Inosuke: Yeah, big talk from the guy who pissed his pants!

Murata: I never did any of the sort, you stupid boar! I wasn't even talking to you, so but out! I know I wasn't very brave back there, but I'm still a Demon Slayer! I'll find a way to hold them off! I know now I just need to cut the threads, and about their movement patterns are very basic, so I should be fine! I'll watch out for the spiders, too! There has to be people under even greater control that are closer to the demon! You have to help them!

Tanjiro: I got it! Stay strong!

Y/n: Before we go, allow me to help.

Y/n took a stance.

Y/n: Total Concentration. Bird Breathing, First Form: Preying Flock.

Y/n jumped around on the trees with a sky blue bird following behind him, leaving holes in them and cutting the threads.

Murata: Bird Breathing?

Y/n landed back with Tanjiro.

Y/n: Be prepared for when they get up.

Murata: Tell me, what was your name again?

Y/n: Y/n L/n. Now, let's go, guys.

The three ran into the direction Inosuke pointed to.

Inosuke: Dammit! I can't wait to get back and pumble that guy!

Tanjiro: Stop talking like that!

Inosuke: Didn't you hear him call me "a stupid boar," Monjiro?

Demon Slayer x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now