S1 Chapter 11: Tsuzumi Mansion

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Crow: South-southeast! The next place you two need to go is south-southeast!

Hawk: Would you shut up, douchbag?!

Y/n: Yeah, we heard you the first sixteen times.

???: Please!

They looked ahead and saw Zenitsu who was now wearing his yellow white triangle haori over a Demon Slayer Corps uniform bowing to a young girl.

Zenitsu: Please! Please! Please! Merry me! You know, I could die any day now! Marry me so I don't die alone! Merry me, I'm begging you! Please!

Tanjiro: Wh-What is he doing? What on earth?

A sparrow flew into Tanjiro's hand and chirped rapidly.

Tanjiro: Yes.

Y/n: I feel like I've seen this sparrow before along with the yellow moron who's harassing that poor girl.

The sparrow was still chirping as Zenitsu was still bothering the girl.

Tanjiro: So, that's it then? Okay, we'll try to help.

Zenitsu: Please, I'm asking you again, merry me! I beg you-

Tanjiro pulled Zenitsu by the back of his haori.

Tanjiro: Why are you making such a scene in the middle of the road? She's clearly not interested in you. Also, your stressing your sparrow out.

Y/n: Didn't anyone teach you to respect women, you delinquent?

Zenitsu: Those uniforms, and that mask. Aren't you those guys from Final Selection?

Tanjiro: Don't go pretending we know each other, cuz we don't! 'Kay!

Y/n: Wait. Tanjiro, we have met him. He's that blonde guy from Final Selection that was mumbling something about dying.

Zenitsu: See? Your friend remembers me just fine!

Tanjiro let go of Zenitsu's haori and talked to the girl.

Tanjiro: All right, you're all set to head home again. Do you need help with anything else?

Girl: No, thank you very much.

Zenitsu: Hang on! Don't you interfere! That girl was madly in love with me! The two of us are gonna get married-

Y/n pinned him down.

Zenitsu: Hey, what are you doing?

Y/n: You don't talk unless it's an answer to my question, or I'll brake your arms. Now, why were you bothering that poor girl over there?

Zenitsu: That girl talked to me, so she had to be falling in love with me.

Y/n: Uh. Miss, what exactly did you say to him?

Girl: I just talked to him when he was disheveled on the road.

Zenitsu: So, your telling me the reason you did that wasn't because you were falling in love with me?!

Girl: Considering that I already have a fiancé, that's exactly what I've been trying to tell you! But you seem to be perfectly fine now, except for having a crazy bird guy on your back who's threatening to break your arms.

Y/n: Hurry up and leave while I have him pinned down.

Girl: Thank you.

She walked off and Y/n got off Zenitsu when she was long gone.

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