S1 Chapter 14: The House with the Wisteria Family Crest

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When Tanjiro and Y/n with the two kids walked outside of the mansion they saw Zenitsu closely holding Nezuko's box while being beaten by the boar guy.

Boar guy: Take this! Come on! Move it! Now, you spineless coward! Draw your sword and face me!

Boar guy: You leave no choice but to take you out along with that box!

The boar guy was about to bring one of his swords down, but Y/n blocked the strike.

Y/n: Listen, this guy behind me might be a coward, but he doesn't deserve this. And if you don't stop, I'm gonna have to make you.

While Y/n was holding one of the boar guy's swords, Tanjiro came from the side.

Tanjiro: Get away!

He punched the boar guy in the center of his chest, cracking a few of his ribs.

Zenitsu: I heard him! He broke his ribs!

Tanjiro: Aren't you part of the Demon Slayer Corps? You must understand why Zenitsu refuses to draw his sword. Because it's taboo for us to fight each other without provocation! But here you are giving him a complete one-sided beating. Is that fun for you? You are the lowest of the low.

Y/n: Says you.

Tanjiro: Huh?

Y/n hit Tanjiro in the head.

Tanjiro: Ow, what was that for?!

Y/n: I have no objections to you invoking the rules of the Corps, but you stepped in when he was distracted with me. That's dishonor, something I will not tolerate.

Tanjiro: (sigh) I know.

As the boar guy laid on the ground, he started cackling.

Boar guy: So that's how you feel? I didn't realize. In that case, let's fight barehanded.

Tanjiro: No! Did you even hear a word I just said? Listen...

The boar guy got up and ran at Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: We're not supposed to fight each other in anyway!

The boar guy threw kicks and punches at Tanjiro who was able to avoid them.

Tanjiro: Using your hands doesn't change things! Are you listening to me?

The boar guy got on Tanjiro's neck and spun around, threw Tanjiro and a kick at him, cutting some of his hair as everyone else watched.

Y/n: Listen, Zenitsu. I'm going to treat that noise bleed and black eye, but only because you protected the box and so I won't owe you any favors later.

Zenitsu: I'll take it.

Y/n took out some cloth and put pressure on Zenitsu's noise.

Y/n: Keep pressure on your noise until the bleeding stops.

Zenitsu did what he was told.

Y/n: I don't have anything for your eye though.

Zenitsu: Forget that. How is that boar guy able to move like that? And with some broken ribs no less.

Y/n: Those are some flexible joints he has. He might even be more flexible than one of my former ladies.

They continued to watch the fight.

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