S1: Chapter 2: Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki

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It was day time and Tanjiro was standing in front of a cave.

Tanjiro: All right, Nezuko. You just stay here. You sure you got her, Y/n?

Y/n and Nezuko were in that cave.

Y/n: Yeah, she'll be fine with me.

Tanjiro: Okay. I'll be back soon.

He left the two of them in that cave.

Y/n: So, how does it feel to have your life flipped upside down like that? I know how it feels, but I want to know your opinion, Nezuko.

Nezuko didn't answer him and just started to dig a hole.

Y/n: You really don't have to do that, but you do what you want I guess.

With Tanjiro.

Tanjiro was at a farm talking to the farmer.

Tanjiro: Pardon me, sir. Would it be alright if I took that basket, and some straw and bamboo?

Farmer: You're more than welcome for all the good it will do ya, the basket's full of holes.

Tanjiro: Thank you, I'll gladly pay you for it.

Farmer: No, you don't have to do that. I don't need it anyway.

Tanjiro: Please, I insist!

Farmer: No, it's fine. Same for the straw and bamboo.

Tanjiro: Let me pay you!

Farmer: I said it's fine! So just take it, you stubborn kid!

Tanjiro practically slapped the money into the Farmer's hand.

Tanjiro: Take this small offering for your trouble, please!

Tanjiro took the stuff and ran.

Tanjiro: And thanks a lot for your help!

Tanjiro returned to the cave where he left Nezuko and Y/n.

Tanjiro: Y/n? Nezuko?

Y/n: Oh, hey, Tanjiro. How'd it go?

Tanjiro looked in the cave and saw Y/n laying on a pile of dirt but Nezuko was nowhere to be seen.

Tanjiro: She's gone! Y/n, you said you were gonna watch her!

Y/n: I did. I watched her dig that hole behind me.

Tanjiro: Huh?

He looked behind Y/n and Nezuko popped her head out of the hole Y/n mentioned.

Tanjiro: Oh.

Tanjiro: Hey, Nezuko... (Thinking: Why'd she dig a hole? Is my demon kid sister turning into a mole? And she doesn't look very happy about it either. Guess she really wants to avoid the sun.)

Y/n: So, what did you go out to get?

Tanjiro: Hang on just a second.

Tanjiro started working on something outside.

Y/n: What do you think he's doing?

Nezuko tried to say something but her muzzle kept her from saying any real words.

Y/n: (sigh) That muzzle sure is great for conversation.

Tanjiro came into the cave with the basket now covered in bamboo.

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