S1 Chapter 6: Swordsmen Accompanying a Demon and Half Demon

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Tanjiro and Y/n were in Sakonji's house. They were putting on their uniforms which had the Japanese mark for "Destroy" on the back. Tanjiro wore his Checker pattern haori over his brown uniform while Y/n used a white cape with the Japanese mark for "Wind" on it to cover his black uniform.

Sakonji: Are you both finished changing?

Tanjiro: Yes.

Y/n: Almost.

Y/n put on his bird mask and Tanjiro showed that his mark looked a little more spread on his forehead.

Y/n: All right, I'm ready.

Sakonji: Tanjiro and Y/n, now that you both have officially became Demon Slayer swordsmen, I would like to explain a few things.

Tanjiro: Right.

Y/n: What kind of things?

Sakonji: First, the Demon Slayer Corps uniforms you're wearing is made with a special kind of fiber. They're lightweight, water resistant and non flammable. A low-level demon's fangs and talents are incapable of penetrating that fabric.

Tanjiro: It's that strong.

Y/n: Yeah, but stronger demons are still able to penetrate it. Look, if you're just going over the basics, old man, I'd like to wait outside.

Sakonji: Very well then.

Y/n: Thank you.

Y/n went outside and sat in a tree, he then closed his eyes and saw a younger version of the pink tunic girl.

Young Kanao: Uh, hello. I am Kanao Tsuyuri.

Young Y/n: Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Y/n L/n.

They shook hands and Y/n heard...

???: Y/n!

Y/n opened his eyes and saw Tanjiro with a wooden box strapped to his back.

Tanjiro: Come down here, Mr. Urokodaki's going to see us off!

Y/n: You got it.

Y/n jumped down.

Tanjiro: All right, we're off.

Sakonji: Before you go.

Sakonji fixed their clothes up and they went off for their mission.

Y/n: So, Tanjiro, is Nezuko in that box?

Tanjiro: Yeah. You doing okay in there, Nezuko?

Nezuko didn't answer.

Y/n: She's probably sleeping. Old man Urokodaki did theorize that she regains strength by sleeping.

Tanjiro: You're probably right.

Y/n: Well, I got some more of my memories back.

Tanjiro: Oh, really? What kind?

Y/n: It was something about that girl at Final Selection. Her name is Kanao Tsuyuri.

Tanjiro: How did you know her?

Y/n: She was a student of two of my former ladies.

Tanjiro: Oh, were you two close?

Y/n: Not really, all we did together was spare.

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