S1 Chapter 10: Together Forever

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Yahaba closed his hand eyes and a bunch of arrows came at them.

Y/n: Wind Breathing, First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter.

Y/n made his sky blue whirlwind which consumed the arrows.

Y/n: Now, use the Sixth Form, Tanjiro.

Tanjiro understood and he used Whirlpool to consume the arrows and Y/n's whirlwind which made the whirlpool go faster.

Y/n: Now, use the footwork of the Third Form.

Tanjiro used his footwork to completely change the arrows course.

Tanjiro: Twisting Whirlpool, Flowing Water!

Yahaba used more arrows which got caught up in Tanjiro's Whirlpool whirlwind.

Tanjiro: My sword is heavy!

Y/n: Use that weight to cut that son of a bitch's head off.

Tanjiro: Second Form, Improved: Lateral Water Wheel!

Tanjiro slashed Yahaba's neck vertically and cut his head off.

Tanjiro fell after he successfully killed Yahaba.

Tanjiro: We did it, Y/n. You knew the Whirlpool wouldn't be as strong without it being underwater, but you used your whirlwind to speed it up and this demon's attack added power.

Yahaba's head fell in front of Tanjiro.

Yahaba: You damn brats! How could you do this to me?!

Y/n: If you were smart, you wouldn't have came here. There's no way you or your partner are members of the Twelve Kizuki. Not when your both this weak.

Yahaba: I just needed to bring him your head and you, that's all it would've taken to finally win his approval! I'll never forgive either of you for what you've done! I'll make sure you both pay for what you've done to me! My face is filthy because of you two shoving it into the dirt!

Y/n: I wish I slashed your jaw before Tanjiro cut your head off.

Yahaba: I swear I'll kill your friend and leave you in bad enough condition that Susamaru will easily be able to bring you back to him.

He showed his eyes, the one that was looking at Tanjiro had arrows in all directions and the one looking at Y/n was had up and down arrows. Yahaba closed his eyes and sent Tanjiro flying back and Y/n was sent flying.

Y/n: At worse, all this will do is break both of my legs. Shouldn't be too bad.

Y/n flew down hard and as he predicted, both his legs broke.

Y/n: Well, this is a bitch.

He saw Tanjiro use Water Breathing moves to stop his body from getting crushed.

Yahaba: You haven't suffered enough. I'm not done, not just yet. Your pain will be excruciating.

Tanjiro was still desperately trying to survive.

Y/n: Okay, this where I step in.

Y/n's legs healed and he started to walk towards Yahaba's head.

Yahaba: Still not enough. Not ye-

Y/n stepped on his head and it finished disintegrating.

Y/n: Oh, be quite.

Tanjiro fell down.

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