S1 Chapter 20: Pretend Family

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Nezuko: (Thinking: Blood Demon Art: Exploding Blood!)

She closed her palm and pinkish red fire went down the threads and burned them, which let Tanjiro hit Rui's neck.

Tanjiro: The bond between Nezuko and I cannot be severed! Not by anyone.

The blood on Tanjiro's blade began to ignite and Tanjiro was finally able to decapitate Rui.

Rui's head and body fell to the ground. Tanjiro also collapsed and the threads that were holding Nezuko burned away and she also fell to the ground.

Tanjiro: Nezuko. Nezuko. I won. I did it! My father saved me. Our family's kagura which has been passed down for generations, somehow manifested itself into a technique. It helped me defeat that demon.

Tanjiro got up and looked at Nezuko, then began to notice his vision was blurry.

Tanjiro: My visions blurry. Is it because I took too many breathes too fast.

Tanjiro grabbed his chest and heard ringing in his ears.

Tanjiro: (Thinking: This ringing in my ears is agonizing. My whole body is throbbing in pain.)

He started to slowly crawl to Nezuko.

Tanjiro: (Thinking: I've got to catch my second wind and press on! The fights not over, not yet. I still need to go save Inosuke and look for Y/n as soon as I can.)

As Tanjiro was crawling, he got the scent of blood.

Tanjiro: (Thinking: The scent of blood just got stronger. And it didn't give off the smell of ash like usual. Don't tell me...)

Rui's headless body walked over to Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Could he have survived that?

The body moved a hand to show Rui's head attached to some threads.

Rui: You thought you defeated me? How sad for you. Your delusion brought you a brief moment of joy. I cut my head off myself using my own threads before you were able to do the job yourself. Enough struggling. I'll kill both you and your sister. I haven't been this enraged in a long time.

Tanjiro was still crawling.

Tanjiro: (Thinking: Get up! Get on your feet! You need to get control of your breathing! Hurry! There's no time.)

Rui: I wonder why you weren't burned to senders earlier in that explosion. Me and my threads were the only things that were set ablaze. I don't know if it relates to your sister's power, but it has enraged me all the same.

Rui reattach his head and got out more red threads.

Rui: Now I'm going to carve you up without regret.

Tanjiro: (Thinking: If I use the correct breathing technique, it doesn't matter how exhausted I am!)

Rui: Blood Demon Art-

A blurr went by Tanjiro and when he looked back, he saw Rui's headless body hit the ground.

Tanjiro: What the?

Tanjiro used all his strength to look up in the trees where he saw Y/n sitting on a branch with Rui's head.

Y/n: What up?

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