A/N :3

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Ok soooo, I decided to end it here. It just felt right to end where Dipper finally goes with his parents.

But don't worry! I'm making another story where Alcor meets Tyrone and their adventure together blah blah-

I haven't forgotten bout them ^

Yea, so thank you everyone who made it this far! I'm very grateful! It really warms my heart when I see people voting and commenting on this story :3

The book will be called " New life as a Cipher" idk when I'll post it. I hope to post in about a month or less. But we'll see...

Thank you everyone again! Have an awesome day/night my beauties! And remember, Stay Juicy, my Gummy bears and worms! Buee! Until next time 🖤🖤🖤


( So update: Yesterday I went to the ER... I had Mild Heat Exhaustion and Severe Dehydration. Which isn't good to have. I scared both my parents and myself. Luckily, I recovered pretty fast but yea. I really need to start drink water more often- )

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