Chapter 7.5... WOAH WOAH WOAH... Really?

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Dipper's POV:

  Woah woah woah. "Seriously!? A demon! I find that hard to believe.. But, then, does that mean, I also have powers??” Bill nodded. “But then, why do I look like Mabel?” 

  “ Ah, that's because as a kid, the third person you look at, you'd get that person's facial appearance, where that would be Shooting Stars here.” 

  Mabel spoke up, “ B-but, This still doesn't add up… How did Dipper look originally?”

  Bill scratched behind his head, “ Eh, Well, Littletree here-” He made a gesture towards me before continuing, “ He had brown hair with green highlights, greenish- blue eyes with some yellow if you flash a light in it, and of course, the big dipper birthmark on his forehead. I’m pretty sure something changed though because of how old you are...” Bill shrugged. “ If you really want to, I could transform you into your true form.” 

  “ Woah! Really? You can do that?”

  “ I mean, of course I can, I'm a demon.” He shrugged before continuing, “ Plus, what kind of father am I if I don't offer something like that to my own son?” 

  ‘ Do I really want to change? Of course I want to see my original form but would Mabel approve of this too? Maybe...’

  I looked down for a moment before looking at Mabel. She looked at me then nodded. I smiled knowing that Mabel did in fact approve of this change too. 

  I looked at my father and nodded and told him that I would like to see my original form. He stared for a moment before smirking, “ Hm, Good choice littletree.” He stated before chanting, “ Wxuq wklv qrupdo "ehlqj" lqwr wkhlu uhdo ruljlqdo irup. Wkhb frxog wudqvirup edfn lqwr wkhlu rwkhu irup rqob li wkhb zdqw wrr.”

At first, I didn't feel any different and I looked at Bill, in question. But then, I felt something in my body, It felt like a fire has just been lit and it’s now spreading like wildfire. I shut my eyes and doubled over, gripping my hair tightly, ‘It hurts, It Hurts, IT HURTS.’ My eyes were watering, I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. It feels like my back is being torn apart, my mouth and fingers feel real sore too.  ‘ Make it stop! Please, Dad! Help!’ After what felt like forever, the pain finally stopped.

A/n: Going on break with this story for a few weeks. Plz be patient with me. Thanks.

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