Chapter 8... Woah, a new life.

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Guess who's back! Especially when it's a short chapter!

Dipper's POV:

I slowly let go of my hair, panting heavily. I stood up slowly, groaning from the pain that my feeling all in my body. I looked around the room and thought, ' Why does it feel different, like everything is smaller than before?'

" Woah.." I heard Mabel breath out. I felt a tug on my pants leg, I looked down to find my pet, Sona looking up at me, but there is something different about him. I picked him up and looked at him. (There's a picture of how Sona looks right now.) He seemed happy as he nuzzled my cheek and wagged his fluffy tail. I smiled slightly and patted his head, avoiding his horns from cutting me. He closed his eyes and purred. ' Hm, I didn't think fawns could purr. But I guess Gravity Fall do contain weird and unnatural creatures.'

 " Wow littletree, you look more like your mother than you do with me." I turned towards my father and asked, "Really? Can I see how I look?" He nodded and snapped his fingers and a body mirror appeared in front of me. I looked at myself, astonished. " Woah." It's exactly how my dad described myself as a kid. The only difference was that my hair looks a bit longer at the bangs, which covered my left eye and my ears are pointy. As I was busy looking at myself, I felt something moving on my back. I stepped back to look at myself fully and found out that I had wings! Not just any kind of wings, Bat wings! " Wow! This is so cool!" I tried to move my wings to get the feeling of it. It took awhile but I managed to get used to it.

I put Sona down since I kinda forgot I had him in my arms. I don't want to drop him... " Hm, It seems like Sona got caught in the transformation and transformed with you, littletree." I turned around and looked at my father before looking at my other family... Their reaction to me was priceless! "Grunkle" Stan and Ford mouth were wide open and eyes were bulging out of their eye sockets while, Mabel looked like she wanted to explode. " Sona's leg also seemed to have healed too. This wasn't supposed to happen." I looked at my father, confused. " What do you mean?" "Littletree, the chant I chanted was only meant for you and you only unless someone or something had an unnatural source deep down in their soul somewhere." I looked at my father, dumbly. "Huh? I don't get it."

" When I chanted, my guess is that when Sona noticed you were hurting, he ran up to you and got caught in your process of transforming and something inside of him must of unlocked, which caused him to transform too..."

"Uh huh..."


A/N - This isn't exactly important but I need this for the next chapter. I need questions for Dipper to ask Bill. Pleaseee. The questions could be about Dipper, Bill, and/or Will. But, please remember that Dipper is the one who's asking.

Update: Nvm I'ma just do it.

Geez 1k reads. Surprised people still reads this stupid book. Thanks but I'm on a writer block and I'm also updating another story too 😅

I just realized that few weeks became a few months... Oops.

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