Chapter 10... Answered Questions

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A/N: I'm glad y'all still reading this story. It spiked up some motivation to try writing more of this book 🖤

The name "Alcor" is when he's in Demon/Human Demon Form and The name "Dipper" is when Human Form.

2nd A/n: Reeeeeee! I'm so sorry I haven't published in a long a*s time!

Alcor's POV:

" M-mom?" Wait.. it makes so much sense now! Will nodded his head and held out his arms to me. I gladly accepted and hugged him.








After what seemed like forever we finally parted. Will smiled while Bill ruffled my hair.

Mabel spoke up which caught all of our attention, " So... Bill, was it? What were you gonna say before the knocking at the door?"

Oh yeah, I sorta forgot about that.


No one's POV:

All eyes went to Bill, which cleared his throat before speaking, " Well, what I was trying to say is what Will has been calling Littletree. Alcor. Alcor is your real birth name."

Dip- Alcor looked down and said his name trying it out, " Alcor... Alcor Cipher..." He nodded, approvingly.

Will started crying. Dipper tilted his head slightly, " Are you ok, mom?" Will nodded, " Yes, of course hon, I'm just so happy to see you at last." Dipper hugged his mother before parting again.

" So wait. We're dream demons?" Will nodded his head, " Yes, we are." Bill butted in, excitedly, " Yes! In fact, Us, Dream Demons, are one of the top 5 strongest and highest classes!"

Alcor's eyes sparkled, " Woah! Really?!?"

Bill nodded quickly, " Hell yeah! Owww" He rubs he's sore arm and looked at Will, who shakes his head disappointedly.

Will giggles before speaking, " We might be one of the strongest, but there's other stuff we can do to."

Alcor gleamed, " Like what?!"

Ford jumped in, " For starters, They could float, or in your case, you could fly."

" Dream Demons could change into different types form. Fordsy told me that, never actually seen it myself." Stan placed a hand on the back of his neck, embarrassed.

" Oooo! Like what?? Can you transform to look like a unicorn?!" Mabel squealed, jumping up and down.

Bill scoffed at Mabel's choice of words, " A unicorn? Really? Wouldn't be better to transform into a Cat? Or a Dog. Or better yet! A dragon-"

A loud gasp could be heard from Alcor. " CAN YOU TURN INTO A CHICKEN?!?"

Bill looked at his Son blankly for a couple minutes, before chuckling. " Um, yes.. in fact, we can-" Bill looked at Will, " Will, Honey, Would you mind transforming into an Unicorn for Shooting Stars sakes. I'll transform into a dragon for my own sake of embarrassment." Will nodded and motioned everyone to come outside.

Once everyone's outside, Will and Bill started transforming, smoke came out and covered them completely. Once the smoke cleared, everyone, but the two Cipher parents, gasps and awed at the two.

 Once the smoke cleared, everyone, but the two Cipher parents, gasps and awed at the two

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Disclaimer: Used reference for both the drawing

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Disclaimer: Used reference for both the drawing. Art color, however, is alllll mine! :3 And Will's hair all mine too-

Mabel squealed and ran over towards Will, who backed up in fear. Bill's large wing blocked the view of Will's figure quickly before Mabel could reach Will in a rush.

Mabel skid to a stop and pouted, " Noooo! why?!?" She crossed her arms, looking at Bill's wing covering Will.

Bill's huge form grunted, as if he's displeased, and lowered his head to match Mabel's height, " Will's a bit... Hm, how should I say this..." Bill looked away, thinking, as he's doing circular motion with his claws, " Ah right, He's a bit... Sensitive." Bill trailed off before nodding his head, confirming himself. He looked back at Mabel, " Yes, sensitive, to sudden movement. I will allow you to approach my wife, slowly, but do so apologize to him."

Mabel looked confused but didn't question it, nodding. Bill nodded and folded his wings neatly away, once again showing Will's unicorn form. It took everything in Mabel's power to try and not run towards Will again.

Once she got in front him, she apologized, and asked Will if she play with his hair. Will nodded softly. He then started to lay down, getting comfortable, before letting Mabel braid his hair.

Alcor went towards Bill and smiled at him, " What else could we do?!" Bill chuckled, " We could do all sorts of things, Littletree. As you now know, shape-shifting and floating are one of the few many things, us dream demons, could do. But, we could also mind read, manipulate and create time, fire, dreams, or pretty much anything, really. We could teleport between time and other dimension, etc etc. And- oh! Let's not forget we have our very own personal Demon forms."

Alcor's eyes lit up, " Really!?! What's your demon form??" Bill stood up, " It's better if I showed you." Suddenly, Bill dragon form disappeared, and reappeared into what looks like a-
" A Dorito?" Alcor tilted his head, confused. Ford and Stan snickered at this.

" A wha-? Kid, no. I'm a triangle. Get your shapes, right." Bill rolled his one eye, " And besides, Will's demon forms' also a triangle aswell." Will, who's still in unicorn form, nodded his head.

" Then, why triangle form?"

Bill crossed his arms, " Care to elaborate?"

" Like. Why are you a triangle? Why not a square or like any other shape. And like, no offense, But a triangle?"

" Honey-" Will got up from laying down, Mabel had finished braiding Will's hair, it wasn't much but it looked beautiful.

" Honey-" Will got up from laying down, Mabel had finished braiding Will's hair, it wasn't much but it looked beautiful

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" Us, demons. We just don't take a form of a shape that we like. It's chosen by the gods in sort of a way in power. Triangles, are one of the higher forms while ones without a chosen form are... Well. You know..." Will walked over towards Bill floating form, who'd transformed back into human form and stroked Will's hair.

Alcor looked at his parents before getting their attention, " So, would that mean I also have a triangle form?"

That's all for now, I'm not exactly sure what to do next but I'll try my very best for next update.

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