Chapter 5... What's this?

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Dipper's POV: (This is going to be short and frequent POV changes, srry if it's annoying)

I went inside the shack and looked for my Grunkle Ford. I went inside the kitchen and seen him reading the newspaper.

I walked up towards him, " Er, Grunkle Ford?"

Ford looked up from the paper, " Ah, Dipper, my boy! I was wondering what you were doing, how are you?"

" I'm fine, I just have a question for you."

" What is it, then?" I sighed and gave Ford the flower I was holding, " Hm?"

" I found this flower while I was exploring the forest. I looked if there were any more of them but it seemed like there weren't any. So, I came here to ask if you knew what this plant was?"

Grunkle Ford looked at the flower, at me and back at the flower.

Ford's POV:

As I inspect the multi-colored flower, it kind of reminds me of Bill. Wait... " Can it be? Bill's going to come back and visit soon."

" Ah, Grunkle Ford? Did you say something? I didn't quite understand."

I looked back at Dipper and smiled, embarrassed, ' Did I mumble that? Opps.'

I cleared my throat before speaking, " Dipper, I believe this flower is from your father." Dipper's eyes widen, " W-what! M-my father is here? Like right here in Gravity Falls?"

I chuckled a little and shooked my head, " My boy, no he is not here-" Dipper looked sad, " But! He will come and visit you here, this flower resembles that he is coming soon."

Dipper looked really happy to hear that from me, " T-that means I can finally see what my father looks like! Ah! I'm so excited."

" Yes, but he is not what he seems."

Dipper tilted his head like a puppy, " Huh? What do you mean 'not what he seems'?"

I looked at Dipper, pausing weither or not it's a good idea to say anything about Bill. I sighed decided against it, " You will find out."

Dipper's POV:

I asked him a question yet he avoid it like it was a plague. I don't get it, what does he mean by I'll find out soon? Oh well.

" Um, ok then Grunkle Ford. I'm going to my room."

Ford nodded his head and handed me my the rare flower. I thanked him and headed upstairs in the Attic where Mabel and I share a room.

I went to my bed and sat down. Looking at the flower I had in my hand, I started to get excited that my real father is coming to visit. ' Ah! I can't wait to see my father! I can't believe he's coming so soon!' I let out a very "manly" scream and covered myself with my blanket.

I don't exactly remember when I fell asleep but I do remember having a strange dream about a yellow triangle telling me that we will meet again soon.


Important A/N:
   Ok guys, I need help. So, in about a couple of chapters, Dipper gonna ask some questions to Bill after they meet. If you guys want, can y'all help me with the questions? That would be helpful. The questions could be about Bill or Will or Dipper. Idk. Just something. Idc. ( Yes, I'm giving y'all too much power but, idc right now.)

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