Chapter 7... WOAH WOAH WOAH... Really?

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 Bill seemed to look nervous and glanced at Grunkle Ford, “ Ah, That! Er...” He stopped and looked at me grinning like an idiot before continuing, “...That is because you, Mason, was my once lost but now found son.”

Bill’s POV: 

  “What!?” I looked behind me and saw Mabel's surprised face, she had just come downstairs after the fawn had gone to sleep and looked at me and Dipper repeatedly. 

  I looked at my son’s surprised face and decided to read his mind.

  ‘ Huh? Wha-? I don't believe this at all. But then, what if he really is my Father? No, he could be a fake… I hope not. No, I’ll just ask the others if it’s true or not.’ 

  Littletree closed his eyes and chuckled a bit, “ Ha ha, this is a good prank you guy pulled. You almost got me.” He looked at Ford’s and Stanley’s confused face.

  Ford looked at Stanley then at me before sighing, “Dipper, what are you talking about? This is not a prank, Bill here, is for actual Father. He came here to visit you after a long time. Remember the flower you showed me? The flower symbolizes that he’s coming to visit you soon.” 

  Littletree looked surprised again and asked, “ Wait really? I guess that made sense to why the flower colors were like that… I'm guessing the yellow represents you?” He gestured at me.

  I nodded, “ Correct! You’re smart, littletree. You got that from me and your mother.” 

  “ Littletree? Anyways, what does the blue and green represent then?” I shrugged and told Alcor the blue represents his mother and the green represents him. “Bu-but, I still don't believe you are my father.” Ouch, that kinda stings. Before I could confirm that he really is my son, Stanely spoke up, “ Dipper, He really is your father, I could prove it to you. Back then, whenever you were about two years old, his wife had to leave.-” 

  I picked up where he left off, “ After for a while, it was time for bed for the both of us. After I woke up, I found out you were gone missing. I tried my very hardest to find you but I just couldn’t seem to find you.” I shook my head, sadly. ” But then, I found Fordsie here-” 

    Ford seems to catch on and continued, “ He asked me if I knew where you were or if I had you, I told I didn’t but we made a deal saying I would help him find you in return, you would stay with us until you're old enough and one free wish.”

  Dipper stared with his mouth wide open, " W-wait, really??" I checked his mind, ' It doesn't seem that they are lying so that means that they are really telling me the truth! Which makes Bill my Father. Omg! This is sooo cool!'

  I looked at pinetree and opened my arms towards him, " Littletree…" 

  Pinetree looked at me with tears, " Fa-father!" He ran up, jumped and hugged me. I caught him, stumbling a bit but squeezed him back. " I've always wanted to meet you, and now that I'm meeting you for real, I've never been soo happy!"

  I smiled a little bit, " I-i know Littletree, I know. I've missed you so much. I've haven't visited you since you were 5. I was so busy with work, I never had time to visit you until now."

  What felt like entirety, we heard a cough and we stopped hugging each other.

  " So, um, Bill was it? Is Dipper really your son? Prove it!" Shooting star yelled.

  I cleared my throat and fixed my collar before speaking, " Well, I do know that Littletree here has a birthmark on the top of his forehead that's shaped like the big Dipper. I believe that is how he got his nickname Dipper from."

  Mabel's mouth wide open. I decided to read her mind, ' Wow, I guess Bill really is Dipper's father.' 

 Shootingstar cleared her throat, " Ok, um, I believe you, so does that mean Dipper really isn't my twin brother?" I shook my head. " But then, why does he look like me?" 

  " Oh! That's the interesting part! So, this may shock you both BUT! Hear me out, Okay?" Both kids nodded their heads,I clapped my hands together while rocking back and forth on my feet. " Ok Soo, I'm a dream demon~ and so is Littletree here." 

  " WHAT?!?"

You know what I just realized. I forgot to actually put the picture of Sona in the last Chapter. So I'll just put it here. (Edit: So I think I'll actually put it drawing in now. 😅)

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