Chapter 6.5... Who's This? Pt. 2

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Dipper's POV: (This is right after Mabel left the shack in finding friends)

I watched as Mabel jump up from the table and leave, of course, not without screaming bye to us. I chuckled to myself and stood up heading towards our room. I grabbed a backpack and packed a first aid kit, my lucky pencil, my phone, and a lot of snacks just in case I get hungry. I walked towards the front door and yelled out to my Grunkles to let them know I was leaving and headed towards the forest.

As I was exploring the forest, I saw something shining.

"Hm? What's that?" I mumbled out. I started heading over towards the shining object and found out, it was actually a journal with a Pinetree symbol on the middle. I opened it and found out that the journal seemed new, no name to claim the notebook. " That's strange, why would there be something so new out here in the forest? Oh well." I decided to keep it as my own and wrote my name on it. " I'm so glad, I brought a pencil with me, at all times. I knew, it would come in handy one day."

Happily trailing along the forest with my new journal in hand, I encountered an injured fawn. As I walked towards it, the deer tried to run away but failed and fell. It looked at me with fear in its eyes. "Aw, you poor thing. Here, let me help."

I grabbed my backpack and took out my first aid kit. I wrapped the deers bleeding leg after I took care of it. I stood up, smiling, admiring my work. " There! All better!" I looked at the deer which looked at its wrapped leg, sniffing.

The deer looked at me, smiling and stood up limping towards me with only 3 legs. Once it was in front of me, the deer bow of appreciation. I reached my hand out to pet it and it let me, nuzzling into my hand and licking it. Giggling, I decided to find out the deer's gender.
It turns out the fawn is male and gave him a name. " Hm, how about Sona?" The fawn looked at me, smiled and gave a little tail wag.

" Haha, I'm assuming that you like the name." Sona nodded his head and started walking (or limping) away from me. He suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at me. 'Why did he stop and look at me? Does he want me to follow him?' "U-um.. Do you want me to follow you?" The fawn nodded and started to limp away further into the forest. " Um ok then." I shrugged it off and ran to catch up with Sona.

We walked for what seemed like forever and finally came to a stop. I stopped and looked around the place. 'It seems like the fawn brought me to the middle of the forest, where its clear with no trees, why did Sona bring me here?' I realised that he continued to walk until he was right in the middle of the clearing and stood there for a minute or two before turning back towards me and stared. I stared back at him. I then started to notice some kind of movement coming from a brush behind Sona. Out came about 2-3 fawns trotting over towards Sona then 3 other older looking deers' came walking over too. I stared at them with amazement. 'Wow! Are these all of Sona's?'

Sona decided to walk towards me and grabbed my sweater, pulling me towards the other deer's. The eldest deer stared at me before walking towards me. The old deer had very large antlers and a coat gorgeous red-brown fur. I stared at him, awestrucked. The next thing he did, startled me.

" Are you the one whose treated my son?" I looked around and pointed at me. The eldest deer nodded his head.

I cleared my throat before speaking, " U-um, yes it was me. He was injured, I just had to help him." The deer nodded.

" And what was the name you called him?"

I looked down nervously, playing with my hands, blushing. " Um-m well, I named him, Sona..."

" Hm, Sona? That is a very nice name for him.. As a thank you for saving my son, We, as a family, will give you one of our fawns to keep." My mouth dropped.

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