Chapter 9... M-mom?

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Alcor's- I mean Dipper's POV:

"Uh, Excuse me, sir? Who exactly are you? And who's Alcor?" The blue man didn't say anything but instead snuggled into my chest more, crying.

' Who is this dude on me? Do I know him? Now that I had a good look at him, he does look familiar but I have no idea why?'

I tried to pull the guy off of me but it's like this dude has a grip of iron. I gave up after a few seconds, huffing.

" A-Alcor, you have no idea h-how much I missed you. P-please don't disappear again."

I heard footsteps coming towards us, I looked up seeing that it was Bill. I gave him a look that said ' Please help me' but in return his look said ' I'm going to enjoy this.'

I felt somewhat betrayed by this? I don't know. Anyways, the blue guy looked up at my father and gasped.

" B-bill!" I was sorta relieved and sad(?) that he got off of me and jumped in my dad's arms. I gave them both a confused look as they hug.

" Dad...?" Bill pulled away from the blue ball and slinged his arm around the others waist, grinning. " Dipper, I'm very pleased to let you meet Will, Will Cipher!" The bluenette named Will got out of Bill's grip and went over towards me again.

" I'm sorry for jumping on you, Al- um, Dipper. I was just really happy to see you looking okay and well. P-please accept my apologies." Will looked down waiting for my answer. " I-its ok... Will. You couldn't contain your happiness. That's understandable. It's fine. Let's start over then, Hi! I'm Dipper, it's nice to meet you." I held out my hand towards Will to shake. As soon as he touched my hand, I felt the same electric shock as I did with Bill. 'Is Will somewhat related to me?' I shivered and looked up at Will's eyes. He had a nice, calming, dark but bright blue eyes.

I let go of Will's hand and smiled awkwardly. " Um, so who are you again?"

Bill smirked and rested his chin on Will's head before speaking, " Will, here,-" He squeezed Will's side, "- is my wife!" My eyes widened, " Will's your wife? So, that means he's-"

Will took a step back and smiled. He nodded, tears slowly starting back up, and with the softest voice, he mustered, " Yes, hon. I'm your mother."


Reeeeee I don't know what to do after this chapterrrr

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