Chapter 11... New Discoveries

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" Us, demons. We just don't take a form of a shape that we like. It's chosen by the gods in sort of a way in power. Triangles, are one of the higher forms while ones without a chosen form are... Well. You know..." Will walked over towards Bill floating form, who'd transformed back into human form and stroked Will's hair.

Alcor looked at his parents before getting their attention, " So, would that mean I also have a triangle form?"


"Oh demons no" Bill laughed.

'What? B-but I don't understand? You and Mom both have triangles as your demon form. Wouldn't I also?"

" Well, technically yes, you are supposed to. However, you are apart of my cipher wheel. You will have a pinetree as your demon form. But then again, you might have a different form since you are mines and Will's child. "

" Cipher wheel?"

" Oh! Ah-" Ford cleared his throat before continuing," I could answer this. Basically, Bill's cipher wheel or Zodiac, as some would say, are associated with him." Ford pulls out a journal from the inside of his jacket, turned a few pages and gave Alcor the book. It showed a picture of Bill's demon form and a series of symbols around him.

Alcor looked at Ford curiously, and ushers him to continue. Ford smiled and pointed at the series of symbols before continuing, " These symbols here are part of his wheel. They are used to do many different things associated with him. But the 2 top main things are for Summoning and Des- er, Trapping him for a really long time."

Alcor nodded, understanding and absorbing all the details in. He was so focused on everyone explaining how dream demons worked, etc., that he hadn't fully realized he transformed back into his human form until Mabel mentioned it.

The Elder Pine twins, Mabel, and the Cipher family, all had a chat about certain things, there were all sorts of questions right and there, but they all had a really good time together. So much, that they all failed to realize the time and how dark it has gotten.

Dipper yawned and rubbed his eyes softly. Will perked up at the action, " I think it's about time to head to bed, it's really late out."

The older pine twins agreed and started to head back inside the shack leaving Mabel and Dipper behind.

" You should head inside, littletree, you really need the energy for the next morning."

Dipper pouted," Would you guys be able to visit more often?"

Will was about to speak before his eyes started glowing, he frowned and looked at Bill before looking back at Dipper. " It's seems I overstayed, I must leave. I will try to visit from time to time, but it won't be often..."

Bill kissed Will's face," Don't worry, Hon, it will be fine. Just bring Burning-tree with you, I'm sure he'll love that."

" Burning tree?" Will eye started glowing brighter, he panicked a bit before kissing Dipper on the forehead, hugging Mabel, and kissing Bill on the lips as goodbyes before teleporting away. Bill looked a bit concerned, but shook his head.

" What just happened?" Mabel questioned while looking at the spot where Will just left.

Bill sighed," He had just been summoned from most likely at the place he's staying at..."

" Is he going to be fine? Both of you had a look of worry in your eye's." Dipper said, softly.

" Sharp eye, Littletree." Bill pointed out, softly smiling. " Yet, I'm sure my wife will be just fine. He is, even if he doesn't seem like it, really strong. It's just the people, he's staying with... Aren't good to him. Pushes him to his limits. It's why he really sensitive to the smallest things."

"Oh... Is that why you stopped me from running at Will when he was in unicorn form?" Mabel asked, slightly shock at the new information that's being put out.

Bill nodded and sighed, " Will is lucky that his mas- erm, the guys grandkids treat him with more respect.. They're still pretty bad but not as much as those two (<- Meaning the Elder Gleeful twins). "

" What are you talking about? Who is Will staying with? Who are the grandchildren?? The other two, what?" Dipper asked, completely confused on what Bill's talking about. Mabel yawned but nodded her head, agreeing with Dipper.

" As much as I would like to tell you both of who I'm talking about, it is not my place to tell. My wife would have to tell you, not me. And, as much as I'd love to chitchat with you more, both of you need to get to bed, so many exciting things in one day can be very tiring, save up the energy for the next day."

Dipper and Mabel were going to complain when they both yawned at the same time. They reluctantly agreed to head to bed. Both said their good nights, Mabel was the first to leave, Dipper hugged Bill before quickly following Mabel into the Shack.

Bill's smiled, "Goodnight, my Littletree. I will see you again soon. Happy birthday, son."

His smile faded as he watched Dipper head inside. His mind went to Will, worried. He tried telepathically communicating with him, ' Will, hon? Are you doing okay over there?'

He didn't get an response back. Bill couldn't go over to Reverse Fall to check up on him, it would only make things more complicated. Bill could only just wait it out until Will gets back or until he could communicate back to him. He hates feeling useless in this type of situation but it leaves him no choice.

Bill sighed before teleporting back into his realm, back at his house. He laid down on his bed, and let the dark consume him into a sleepless dream state.

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