Chapter 2... Where did my son go?

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Still no one's POV:

It's the next morning and Bill's just waking up...
Only to find out that Alcor is not with him. At first Bill thought Alcor is in the house somewhere and started calling out to him.

" Alcor! Come here please! Where are you?!?" Bill tried to call out... No answer... Bill tried again...

" Alcor if you come here, I'll give you your favorite snack! It's Cheesy poofs!" Bill said, shaking a bag of Cheesy poofs but. ... Still, no answer...

This confused Bill, " What? That usually works. Why doesn't work now? Something isn't right..."

Bill started looking for Alcor all-over the house but couldn't find him. Bill starts to panicked.

" Crap, crap, CRAP! Where the FUCK is my SON!! W-Where is he!"

After Bill finished having a huge tantrum from loosing his son, he finally calmed down and started to think.

' Who the fuck would want my kid?'

Bill started thinking about who would want Alcor and came up with four people.

" Well, there's the cults, they would want him for power..."

' I can check every cults to see if they have him.. ya let's.'

So, that's what he did and found out that none of the cults had him.

' Ok.. so that's a no-go, hm... Who else would take Alcor?'

" Maybe... The king of hell has him.. I mean, I total understand why he wants Alcor..," then Bill mumbled, " That stupid jerk."

Bill visited hell and waved to some people, which they waved back. After, walking for what seems like hours, he made it to the king of hell's throne.

'*Sigh* Ive could've teleported over there but whatever.'

" Ah.. Bill Cipher, long time! How are you, interested in this fine day?"

Bill bowed down, " My king, I have a question.. recently, my son has been missing and I was wondering, maybe, you seen him anywhere?"

Lucifer thought for a minute. Then suddenly, he stood up from his chair which was made out of pure bones, "Wait, are you telling me that you LOST YOUR DAMN SON?!?"

" Well, I just said that... Like a few minutes ago so, yes I did. While Alcor and I were sleeping..." *Sigh* "So I guess you haven't seen my son... Oh well. I must get going now."

" You're leaving already? But, you just got here. Why not stay and, I don't know, have dinner with me, my wife and daughter?"

Bill thought about it for a second.

" As much as I really want to, my King, I have to find Alcor before my wife finds out he's missing.."

Lucifer seemed Abit upset but nodded anyways, " I see.. then very well, you may leave. Come back anytime!"

" Can't say no to that! Will do my King." Bill bowed, " I'll see you around then."

Bill then left the kingdom and went back home. " Ok, so not him... Um, who else?" Bill raked through his hair and thought, "Let's see... Maybe the big baby has him. But, what would he want with Alcor?"

And with that, Bill visited the time baby's dimension.

" Ah! Cipher. what brings you here?"

Bill rolled his eye, " Cut the crap, where is my son?"

" Ah.. It seems that Cipher can't keep up with his child. What a shame."

" The fuck you mean ' What a shame.' It appears that I was sleeping when Alcor went missing!" Bill crossed his arms, pouting.

Time baby tapped his chin in thought, " I see... An irresponsible father losing his son."

" What the hell is wrong with you! No, you know what? FUCK YOU!" Bill yelled, holding up the finger. " I don't need you anyways!" And with that, Bill teleported back to his 'so called' house.

" What a fucking asshole..." Bill started to pace back and forth, up and down, thinking. "Hmm.. who would be the last person to take Alcor..." After a few seconds, Bill stopped pacing and raked his hair, sighing, " The last person would be my good ol' pal, Stanford Pines..."

Bill made a portal leading to a town of mysterious wanders: Gravity Falls, " Welp, here goes nothing." And he went through the portal.


Haha! Well that's all for now! It's not really an cliffhanger but whatever... Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this 'amazing' chapter! Mkay! Bye my gummies!!

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