Chapter 3.5... Old pal Pt. 2

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This is going to be a short chapter. Srry.

After they shook hands. They parted.

" Ok, Bill, we shooked hands, now, tell me about this boy of yours."

Bill nodded his head, " Ok, so, my son, he is only 2 years old, birthday on August 31st, he has brown hair with green highlights, eye color is greenish- blue with a tin of yellow."

" Ah, so he has the same birthday and age as my baby niece. Her name is Mabel Pines."

Bill looked surprised, " Oh, really? That's cool and that's a nice name for her."

Ford ignored Bill and asked, " Is there any important information that I need to know just in case his appearance, oh, I don't know, changed?"

Bill thought about it, " Er, Yes actually, on the top of his head, he has a unique birthmark, it's shaped like the Big Dipper. So, if you see someone with that birthmark, that may be my son, if so, please do tell me."

Ford nodded, " Ok Bill, I will, you can count on me."

"Thank you Fordsie, you have no idea how much this means to me."

" You are welcome Bill, now leave me so I could finish this." Ford commented while gesturing towards his desk.

Bill nodded, " Yes! I understand! I must take my leave now. I'll come visit ever so and then just to check up, but other than that, Remember, Reality is an Illusion, the Universe is a Hologram, Buy Gold, Bye!" And with that he left with a popping sound.

Ford sighed and turned back to work only to be interrupted by his telephone ringing.

" Hm, strange who's calling late at night?" He answered the phone, " Hello?"

As the person on the other side, talking, Ford suddenly heard something that shouldn't have surprise him, but did.

" Ford... Guess what? You have a new grand nephew! But that's not all he has the same birthday and somewhat looks the same as Mabel. The only thing different about them is that the boy has blueish-green eyes and has this strange Big Dipper shaped birthmark on his forehead."

" W-what?" And with that he dropped his telephone and just stared.

' I need to tell Bill the news right now.'

Ford contracted Bill, " Fordsie? Is it important? I'm kinda on time here."

" Bill! This is very important. Right as you left, I got a call from my niece and she said that I have a new grand nephew."

" Congratulations! But, what does that have to do with anything?"

Ford waved his hands around, " That's just the thing! She said he was the same age as Mabel and that he had blueish-green eyes."

Bill's eyes widen, " D-did she say anything about his forehead?"

Ford nodded, " She told me it was a birthmark shaped like the Big Dipper. Do you know what this means?"

Bill started tearing up, " You- you-" Ford shook his head, " No Bill, We found your son."

Bill started crying and than suddenly hugged Ford, yelling thank you over and over. Ford smiled, "Why not let him stay over here in earth till he's old enough?"

Bill wiped his eyes and blushed clearly embarrassed that he cried, " Uh, but as he grows up, he'll forget me..."

"It's fine as long as we keep reminding him of you and your wife, and you could visit him if you want." Bill thought about it, " Hm, ok then, he may stay but when he turns 16, I will collect him, deal?"

" Deal. And I still have that free wish."

They shook on it.

Bill looked at the time, " Well, I should be going now, I need to tell my wife what's happening back in Reverse Falls. I will visit Alcor from time to time, but other than that Remember, Reality is an Illusion, the Universe is a Hologram, Buy Gold, Bye!" And this time Bill is gone and Ford went back to his work with no distractions.

This is the end of chapter 4, Hope you all enjoyed. Chapter 5, will be a Timeskip, Dipper will be 13. Thank you all! And remember, stay juicy my gummy bears and worms! Bye~~! Update: I'm pretty surprised people actually reads these book. And I'm so sorry for not updating! I was suppose to update last week but our internet got cut off and where we live service doesn't work.

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