
77 2 2

- Unknown 

The scene transit to a the skies. In the sky were raging thunder clouds, lightning strikes as something begins moving through the clouds. It wasn't the storm cloud carrier. It was a large object as the scene transit inside it. 


The sound of people cheering can be heard. People are scene witnessing a battle. Zooming out it reveals an arena, inside the arena were to Monsuno battling, they resemble some storm Monsuno and Eklispe Monsuno. The Eklispe Monsuno fires an energy blast at the storm Monsuno as it hits the wall and glass to the ground. It turns to energy and returns to its core as the controller was mechanical arm. 

People:[chanting] Razor, Razor, Razor, Razor, Razor 

The lights flash as the floor begins to open, the ellipse Monsuno backs away as something large rises from the floor. The people cheer its name as it attacks the eklisped Monsuno. 


Deep within the flying object being its revealed its cell blocks. There were several captured Monsunos, each of different factions. In one cell it reveals a female captor, she had black skin and eyeliner. Her hair was a large mane. She lifts her head up looking angry.

???: [sigh] I could really use teebone right now 

She sighs as the scene fades to black.


Lighting flashes as rain descends onto a city. 


Thunder crashes as a Monsuno battle emerged, transition into a warehouse we see two Monsuno battling. One was an Eklispe version of of ricochet and the other was a wild Monsuno, and one who needs no description.

???: Drago, Atomic Tail

Drago roars and swings his energy tail. Slamming ricochet into the ground causing a crater as it shakes the warehouse. The monsuno changed to energy as it returns to his core. It's controller hits the wall due to the force and groans.

???: now that you display of dominance is over, I need you to answer my questions

The controller looks to his left to see the door, but drago tail blocks it. He looks and adds drago's controller walk towards him.

???: but first, ask me one simple question

The person walks out of the shadows and is none other then Teebone.

Teebone: where is Eklispe, where is zap and where is June

Teebone glares at the controller.

Controller: I.... I..... ugh

The controller falls unconscious

Teebone: seriously. Krag, that's just great. [looks at drago] nice work drago, get some rest. Return 

Drago nods and turns to energy, returning to his core. Teebone was about to walk off but then noticing something on the controller. He grabs what appears to be a card on him, which resembles a skull.

Teebone: the skulls, hm

Teebone walks off. He then arrives at a rendezvous point. He looks up and sees the wild jet descending from the sky. Once it lands the doors open and reveals spike at the entrance.  

Spike: yo bro, you ready to go

Teebone: yeah 

Spike smiles and walks back inside, teebone follows behind when suddenly he feels a pain in his chest. His eyes begin to glow green but changes back. He breaths heavily as he walk inside. The wild jet flies off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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