(1.) New day, new job.

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Y/n's pov:

"You're fired."


"You heard me. Now get out of here," my boss said with a stern look on his face.

"Are you serious? I miss one day of work to drop my brother off at his science camp and I get fired, meanwhile Jeffery misses half the days and hardly doesn't do any work when he's here!" I retaliated, completely furious. 

"I said what I said. Now get out of my store." And that was it. No more working at Melvard's General Store. I shoved my sad work vest onto the cold counter and barged out of that miserable store. Maybe getting fired was for the best. I couldn't stand that hellhole anyways. I could only hope for a better, brighter job. 

I hopped into my car, put on some music and began to drive home. Now that the situation had fully settled with me, I realized that I was completely screwed. No job means no money, no money means no college, no college means no education, and no education means no future. I quickly began to gather every single possible solution I could think of. Aha! Starcourt Mall just opened up, they're sure to have tons of open job slots!

As soon as I got home I rushed to the phone book, determined to call every single number at the mall until I found someone that would give me an interview. I was about to pick up the phone to call the first number, until I was stopped by someone.

"Y/n, honey, why are you back from work so early? And where's your uniform?" my mom asked. I wasn't exactly sure how to tell my mom that I got fired from my first ever job, and only after a few months.

"Yeah, about that. Donald fired me for missing the day that I had to drop Dusty off at camp," I said. My brother Dustin was a total genius. He got a scholarship at a prestigious science camp, Camp Knowhere.

"Oh, I should have taken him myself, but I had to take Tews to the vet that same day," she said, gesturing to our new cat. Unfortunately, our old cat, Mews had ran away last fall.

"It's aright mom. I'm going to try to get a new job at Starcourt. In fact, I'm somewhat excited for whatever comes next." I said, trying to keep things on a more positive note.

"Ooh! Great idea sweetie! You know, Mrs. Sinclair tells me about a little ice cream shop that her daughter frequently visits. Apparently, there's only one employee! I'm sure you could get a job there!" Mrs. Sinclair's son, Lucas was great friends with my brother. My brother had this little clique of four boys who would all pile into Mike Wheeler's (one of the boys) basement and play Dungeons and Dragons. They even somehow found a way to trick me into playing it a couple times. All of Dustin's friend's mom's were friends with eachother, almost as if they were forming a group of their own.

"That's great mom! I'll be sure to call them first!" I gave my mom a quick hug and continued to flip through the pages of the phone book until I found the ice cream parlor's number.

"Scoops Ahoy. Interesting." I say to myself as I dial the number into the phone.

~~~The next day~~~

I take a deep breath as I enter the small Scoops Ahoy building. Yesterday, I was able to get an interview with the manager of the business. I was extremely nervous, given that I hadn't even had a full day's worth to prepare for the interview. But I was ready, nonetheless. 

"Hi! You must be Y/n! You're here for the job interview, correct?" asked a pretty girl with dark wavy hair and beautiful brown eyes. 

"Yes, thats me!" I say with a smile. 

"Alright! It's wonderful to meet you, I'm Heather. Heather Holloway." 

"Y/n. Y/n Henderson." Oh my God oh my God why would you say that she obviously already knew your name are you stupid oh we totally lost the job might as well walk out now-

"So, should we begin with the questions?" Heather asked, interrupting my chaotic train(s) of though. 

"Yes please." I replied.

"Alrighty then! So if you haven't already guessed, I'm the manager at Scoops Ahoy. That, and the only current employee. Let's see if you can change that. So, Y/n Henderson, why exactly do you want this job?" Heather questioned.

"Well you see, I need a source of income to pay for college, as education is very important to me. I also just think that the mall is a good thing for the economy of Hawkins, so being a part of that would be another plus."

The rest of the interview went smoothly. If I'm being completely honest, I'm pretty sure this one's in the bag.

"Well Y/n, I'm technically supposed to call you and tell you this tomorrow, but considering I'm the only person who works here, I can do what I can do what I want," Heather said. I'm guessing she made her decision. Let's hope it's a good one. "Sooo, congratulations! You got the job! You start Monday! I look forward to seeing you then!"

My face lit up with relief. I got the job! "See you then!" I said with a smile. I exited the mall, joy coursing through my bones. I guess getting fired wasn't so catastrophic after all! A new day, a new job, a new, hopefully better, future! Only Monday can tell.


Thank you all so much for reading this! I know it starts off slow, but bear with me :) I also know that not everything adds up with how the show is, but just wait. Remember, as of now the story takes place before season 3. But anyways, please stick with this story as it gets much better, and thank you for reading!!!

Written 8/3/22

Word Count- 973

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