(20.) Suzie?!

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(Warnings: Decent amount of time skips, mild language, violence?)

Y/n's Pov:

Just as we approach Starcourt, we are welcomed by a very interesting scene. Billy's iconic blue Camaro is headed straight towards Nancy and a car, probably full of the others. It is inches away from hitting them, until Steve crashes our car into Billy's. The Toddfather's hood is completely destroyed, while Billy's car is up in flames.

"You okay?" I ask Robin.

"Ask me tomorrow?" But our attention is quickly drawn away from the crash, and instead to a giant monster on top of the mall.

"Holy shit." Robin exclaims. The three of us stare in disbelief, before another car pulls up next to us.

"Get in!" Nancy yells, and we do as she says, hopping into the back of her car as the monster makes its way over the mall. Robin and I sit next to each other while Steve sits across from us.

I start to freak out for many reasons.

1. There's a huge monster chasing us.

2. That monster is made out of human organs.

3. If it catches us, we will probably become the monster.

4. My brother.

5. Holyshitholyshitholyshit my brother and Erica are left unprotected on a hilltop.

6. My brother is going to die and it's gonna be my fault.

By this point, I've started to hyperventilate. 

"Hey, it's all gonna be okay." Robin says, resting a hand on my knee.

"Dustin's fine, we're fine, everyone else will be fine." She says with a reassuring smile. I see Steve grinning out of the corner of my eye. I take a dee breath to try to calm myself. Suddenly, we hear conversation coming from the walkie talkie.

"Dusty-bun, you copy?" A girl says. Excuse me?

"I copy, Suzie-poo. It sounds much better now, thanks." Dustin says. Oh. My. God.

"Suzie?!" Robin, Steve and I say in unison.

"I told you she was real." I whisper.

"Okay, so, listen. Do you know Planck's constant?" My brother asks his girlfriend. 

"Do you know the Earth orbits the sun?" She replies. 

"Okay, so I know it starts with two sixes, and then a... What is it?" He asks.

"Okay, let me just be clear on this. I haven't heard from you in a week, and now you want a mathematical equation that you should know, so you can... save the world?" She says. 

"Suzie-poo, I promise, I will make it up to you as soon as possible."

"You can make it up to me now."


"I want to hear it."

"Not right now." What the hell are they talking about?

"Yes, now, Dusty-bun." This bitch better be patient or I will run to where ever the hell she lives and beat the crap out of her. No one disrespects my brother. 

"Suzie-poo, this is urgent."

"Yes, yes, you're saving the world, I heard you the first time, but Ged is also saving Earthsea, and he's about to confront the shadow, so this is Suzie, signing off." That's it. I'm jumping out of this car and I'm going to go murder this bitchy waffle iron of a person. 

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