(12.) The gate?

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Y/n's Pov:

After about ten minutes of walking and senseless chatter to keep our minds off the gravity of the situation, we still weren't even close to the end of the tunnel.

"I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive." Dustin says. He had a point.

"What are you talking about?" Steve asks. "It's a total fire hazard. There's not stairs, there's no exit, there's just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell." He also had a point.

"They're commies. You don't pay people, they cut corners." Erica stated. Lots of good points ere being made amongst this odd group.

"To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don't think this tunnel was designed for walking." I add. What? Everyone else was making a good point, I had to contribute.

"Think about it, they developed the perfect system for transporting cargo." Robin joined. 

"It all comes into the mall like any old delivery." Dustin says.

"And they load it up onto those trucks and nobody's the wiser." I say.

"You think they build this whole mall just so they could transport that green poison?" Steve asks.

"I very seriously doubt it's something as boring as poison." My brother states.

"I don't think I've ever heard someone call poison boring before." I add. 

"It's gotta be much more valuable, like promethium or something." He continues. 

"What the hell is promethium?" The older boy asks.

"It's what Victor Stone's dad used to make Cyborg's bionic and cybernetic components." Robin explains. I feel a smile spread across my face. I love how geeky she was. Erica seems to disagree.

"You're all so nerdy, it makes me physically ill."

"No, no, no. Don't lump me in with them." Steve says. I swear he forgets I'm his boss sometimes. "I'm not a nerd, all right?"

"Why so sensitive, Harrington?" I ask.

"Afraid of losing cool points to a ten-year-old child?" Robin adds as we smirk at each other.

"No, I'm just saying I don't know jack-shit about Prometheus." Steve claims.

"Promethium." Dustin corrects. "Prometheus is a Greek mythological figure, but whatever."

"Way to go, Dusty." I say, giving him a pat on the back. I really was proud of my brother. He's been through a lot, and he still managed to be wicked smart.

"All I'm saying is it's probably being used to make something." Dustin says.

"Or power something." Robin adds. 

"Like a nuclear weapon?" I ask them.

"Totally." Robin says with a smile.

"Walking towards a nuclear weapon, that's great. That'd be great." Steve sarcastically remarks. 

"Way to keep things positive." I say to him.

"But if they're building something, why here?" Robin asks. I was wondering the same thing. "I mean, Hawkins. Seriously, of all places. At the very best we're a toilet stop on your way to Disneyland."

"The most exciting thing that's happened in Hawkins was when the highschool spelling team won second place against the entire county. The town was insane for months!" I say.

"I remember how smug the kids in the team were once they got back." Robin adds.

"This is why I'm not in any clubs." Erica says. "If you need to be good at a specific skill to be appreciated by your peers, that's just trying too hard." I laugh. Erica was starting to grow on me. Speaking of children, I noticed Dustin wasn't with us.

Love in 1985 - (1.) Robin Buckley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now