(8.) Bitter Moments

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(Again, there's a lot of pov changes in this chapter.)

Y/n's Pov: 

The next day, I was not looking forward to going to work again. Maybe I could call in sick? No, Dustin would be all the mall to help translate and he would definitely call me out on my bullshit. I can't exactly avoid Robin, considering the entire store is less than 200 square feet. Guess I'll just have to suck it up.

Robin's Pov:

As soon as Y/n walked into Scoops today, I noticed that something was wrong. Every single day for weeks, she's walked into work with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. Today, not only is she not smiling, but she couldn't look more displeased. She was hunched over, sort of dragging her feet when she walked. She tossed her bag down onto the table, plopped her hat onto her head and immediately began to clean her section of the tables.

"Hey, Y/n, are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said with a dead expression and a monotone voice. I wasn't falling for it.

"Yeah, that's not going to work on me. Either you tell me what's wrong, or I find a way to figure it out myself."

"Just forget about it!" She yelled, throwing her cleaning rag down onto the table. I was taken aback. Y/n never gets mad, and she never yells. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed so hard.

Y/n's Pov:

As soon as I yelled at Robin, I instantly regretted it. (Okay I hate a/n in the middle of stories but I had to mention how this shit sounds like a Dhar Mann title. Boss yells at coworker/crush, instantly regrets it!

She had a look of pure hurt on her face. She was only trying to help, but what was I supposed to do? Tell her I have a crush on her!? I can't tell anyone, especially not the "victim" herself. 

So instead of apologizing and telling the truth, I just barge into the backroom, continuing to get the store ready for the day. And of course, no peace lasts for long.

"What's got you in a mood?" A confused Steve asks.

"Save it." I tell him. Even more guilt rises in me. Why was I being so terrible to my friends? They were just trying to be kind, and I was being a total jerk. My own attitude started to make me feel sick. Still, I continued working.

Robin's Pov:

If Y/n won't tell me what's bothering her, I'll just have to find a way to cheer her up without knowing any details about the problem. Then I remembered where I am. 

I work at an ice cream parlor. What do ice cream parlors sell? Ice cream. What's ice cream good for? Making people happy. When is making people happy important? When people are sad. Who's sad right now? Y/n.

I quickly walk over to the counter, grab a cone, and get a big scoop of f/f. (Favorite ice cream flavor)  

"Hey, Y/n, can you come over here real quick?" I yell. And soon enough, Y/n appears in the doorway of the backroom.

"What?" She asks, still in a bad mood. I walk over to the door and stick the ice cream out to her.

"To bring general cheer to whatever problem you're facing." I say with a small smirk, which Y/n quickly returns.

"Robin, you shouldn't have." She said. I was just glad to see her smiling again.

"Oh, but it's too late! I've already scooped it, no take backs now!" I say with a playful grin. She still looks hesitant, so I simply grab her hand, and put the cone into it myself. 

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