(6.) Rob

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Y/n's Pov:

We had been listening to this stupid tape recording for half an hour. We still didn't have the first word. 

"Play it again." Robin told Dustin. Just like the countless times before, all we hear is this stupid Russian man speaking incomprehensible worlds and that stupid song in the background.

"I'm gonna go help Steve at the counter, let me know if you figure anything out." I tell Robin and my brother. "Good luck, guys."

Before I fully left the room, I took one last look at Robin. She was so set on translating this "code" not even caring if it led to a dead end. I liked that about her. her determination. 

"Hey Steve." I say to the man in the sailor hat.

"Hey, Bossman." He says in return.

"Don't call me that." I tell him.

"Why? Robin calls you that all the time."

"Thats- that's different." 

"How is it different?" he asks.

"It just is!" 

Steve lets out a sigh and continues to serve the customers. Two girl are next in line. One of them is the same redhead from a couple days ago, and the other has short brown hair and a cool style.

"Oh, hey Max. El." Steve says to the girls. How does he know so many children? Is he a substitute teacher or something? "What can I get for ya?"

"I'll get a strawberry, and she'll get a vanilla with sprinkles. And can we get extra whipped cream on those? The redhead, Max, asked.

"Coming right up!" Steve said to the girls as he began to scoop the ice cream.

"Nice parenting, single-father-of-six." I say with a laugh.

"Shut up." He says without looking up from his work. As he was about to hand the girls their ice cream, Robin popped through the partition.

"We've got our first sentence!" she told us. 

"Oh, seriously?" Steve asks, still holding the ice cream.

"Yeah. The week is long." She says with a spot-on Russian accent.

"Well that's thrilling." Steve says sarcastically, clearly not impressed. I jabbed him with my elbow.

"That's amazing, Robin." I said with a smile. I should have had more faith in her.

"I know it's not much, but it's progress."

"I'll be there in a second." I tell Robin as Steve and I go back to serving this pair of customers.

"Okay, here you go, you got a strawberry and then a vanilla with sprinkles, extra whipped cream on both." He handed the two girls their ice cream. They thanked him and then they immediately started digging in.

"Wait a second. Are you even allowed to be here?" Steve asked the girl who must have been El. The girls simply just giggled and ran away. Steve continues to work the counter as I went back into the break room to help translate.

"Hey guys, care for some more help?" I ask the two.

"Please." Robin said with a defeated look. "We've got the first four words, but other than that, we're stuck."

"Can you play it again?" I ask Dustin. Next thing you know, this tape will be playing in my dreams. Dustin clicks the recorder on again.

"неделя длинная серебряная кошка ест когда синий встречается с желтым на западе поездка в Китай звучит хорошо если быть осторожным." 

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