(2.) Employee Swap

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Y/n's Pov:

It's been almost three weeks since I got the job at Scoops Ahoy. Heather's done a great job of teaching me all there is to know about scooping ice cream. We're basically at the same skill level by now. It's pretty challenging running the shop with just the two of us, but we managed. I really admire her dedication for the job and her willingness to help others. She's also really pretty, but thats not important. 

The job was great. It didn't pay too well, but it was better than nothing. There were only two  major problem with the job. The uniforms. I looked like an overly-blue American flag. And the customers. Or really just one in particular, Erica Sinclair. If the devil could take form in a bratty ten-year-old, he would possess her. But other than that, the job was tolerable.

"Hey Y/n, nice to see you've clocked in early!" Heather said with a smile as she got ready to start her shift after her lunch break.

"Yeah, Saturdays are usually busy so I decided to get here as early as possible." 

"Well, I'm glad you're here. I have good news for you," she said with a smirk. "You're promoted to manager! Congratulations!" I sensed a touch of sarcasm in her voice.

"What?" I asked. "I've haven't even worked here for a month. And what about you?"

"Remember that lifeguard job I told you about?" she asked as I nodded.

"Ohhh, I get it. You're ditching scooping for swimming." I said with a sigh.

"Hey, this mean's we'll both get paid more," she said. I would honestly be sad to see her go. I really liked her to be honest. But in like a friend way, right? "But don't worry, you won't have to work all by yourself like I did when I started. There's two people looking for a job here. They both have interviews for tomorrow, so that'll be a great way to really get into the groove of being a manager. It'll be sort of like an employee swap."

Great. New people. "Let's just hope for the best." I say to myself. Who knows, maybe I'll make another friend.

Heather and I had our last shift together, and it was a pretty successful one, too. I really was going to miss her. We closed up shop, said our goodbyes, and then headed our separate ways. Just three weeks ago, I was fired from my job, and now I'm a manager? It's funny how fast life can flip. I just hope that this new chapter of my life is worth the minor loss.

~~~The Next Day~~~

This was it. Interview day. For some reason, I was more nervous today than I was on my own interview. I guess deciding other people's fates is a much bigger deal then you would think it is. 

I checked my watch. 11:37. Exactly 7 minutes after the first employee evaluation. They were running late. What a great first impression. Instead of just waiting around for whoever to show up, I decided to try to work a little bit. I quickly checked the temperatures in the freezers, making sure everything was how it was supposed to be. And as always, it was up to standards. 

Then, I heard sequence of bell chimes, coming from the serving counter. Oh. Great. Only one customer rings the bell that consistently.

"I would like to try the U.S.S. Butterscotch, please." Erica Sinclair. In the flesh. In all of her bratty glory, surrounded by her little minions that she calls friends. That new kid better get here soon.

"Didn't you try that flavor yesterday?" I asked.

"Yes, and I would like to try it again." She said. I threw my head back in anguish, before I heard another voice. This time it didn't belong to a tiny child.

Love in 1985 - (1.) Robin Buckley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now