(17.) El?

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(Warnings: Mild violence, knives)

Y/n's Pov:

Once the group was finally all in one spot, we decided that the best idea of what to do next was to leave the mall. Turns out, Back to the Future had just ended, so we easily fit in with the other movie goers. 

"Blend." Dustin commands. The five of us quickly find ourself in the middle of the crowd, trying to draw the least amount of attention to ourselves as possible. 

"Well, shit, that worked." Erica tells my brother.

"Of course it worked." He replied. " We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come."

"Uh, Dusty?" I say to my brother. "We probably shouldn't go home... just yet."

"Why?" He asks.

"Well, Steve might've told them your full name." I say. 

"What is wrong with you?!" Dustin asks Steve.

"Dude, I as drugged." Steve states.



"So you resist! You though it out. You tough it out like a man." Dustin exclaims.

"Oh yeah, it's easy for you to say." Steve retaliates.

"Guys?" Robin says, drawing our attention to the man in all black a few feet in front of us.

"Abort." Dustin says. "Abort, abort!" The five of us immediately run the opposite direction, and my hand finds its way into Robin's once again. I quickly turn behind me, only to see the Russian man not too far behind. 

"Hurry!" I yell. Instead of taking the escalator down, we just slide down the middle part. Once we reach the bottom floor we bolt to the closest counter and hide under it. Robin squeezes my hand and I do the same. We hear one of the men say something, and the sound of footsteps follow. They were getting close. 

Suddenly, the loud blaring of a car horn sounds, distracting the Russians. Then, we hear a huge crash from the store next to us. What the hell is going on? The five of us hesitantly peek over the counter to see what happened. To our surprise, every single Russian man was on the floor, presumably dead. The car that we heard had somehow crashed, completely flipped over, onto the pizza parlor. Glad we didn't work there. 

But then, our eyes divert to a girl standing by the railing on the second floor. She had short brown hair, a funky yellow shirt, and by the looks of it, a bloody nose. I think she's that girl who came into the shop with one of Dustin's friend's girlfriend, if I remember correctly. I think her name was El? Then, Mike, Will and Lucas joined her by the railing, followed by Max. I think that's her name. Then, if I wasn't already confused, Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers appeared. The hell???

I turn over to Dustin, because he has a better chance of knowing these people than me. To my surprise, he just has a huge smile on his face as he stares at the girl with a bloody nose.

"El!" He says.

"El?" I question. My brother starts to run over to his friends. "Who the heck is that?" I ask myself.

"We'll explain later." Steve says, following Dustin. I look at Robin, and she just shrugs her shoulders, and we follow the others. Dustin runs over to El, engulfing her and Mike in a hug.

"You flung that thing like a hot wheel!" He says.

"Lucas!?" Erica asks her brother.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. 

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