(13.) 7th Grade

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(Warnings: Mild violence, needles, drugs?)

Y/n's Pov:

You know, when I signed up for this job, I thought that I would just be scooping ice cream for a couple months, having a boring yet peaceful life.

I was very far off.

As of now, I am being punched in the face by a Russian soldier. 

"Who do you work for?" He asks again.

"I told you before, dumbass! We're employees at the mall!" Apparently he didn't like my response, so he smacks me again, giving me a busted lip. 

"How did you get here?" He asks. Finally, a different question.

"We missed our ice cream shipment, so my friends and I walked into your elevator room, thinking it was the delivery room, but it wasn't and we were taken down here!" It wasn't the truth, but it was close enough for him to believe me. I hope. "We didn't mean to stumble upon your Russian base thingy, I swear! We didn't mean any harm."

The soldier has an unreadable expression, but he stays silent. Maybe he actually believed me.

"Who do you work for?" he questions again. 

"Goddamn Scoops Ahoy!" I yell at him. He punches me straight in the forehead, causing me to black out.


My eyes open, and for the looks of it, I'm being carried down a hallway by the soldiers. Were they letting us go? My eyesight's still blurry, and there's a deafening ringing sound in my head. 

Suddenly, the Russians throw me onto the ground of another room. I look to my right, and someone else lies there.

"Steve?" I ask quietly. No response. "Steve, is that you?" Suddenly, a door opens and another person is thrown into the room.

"Get your hands off me!" She yells. Robin. "Hey, Y/n? Steve?" She asks.

"Yeah, it's me." I tell her, trying to sit up. 

"Thank God you're okay." She says. "What about Steve?"

"He won't wake up." I say. "They got him pretty bad. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. We've gotta find a way to wake him up." We both begin to shake him and call his name in hopes of bringing him back to consciousness. The Russian general walks into the room.

"What did you do to him?" Robin asks. "What did you do?!" Fed up, the general slaps her hard across the face.

"Don't touch her!" I yell. The general says something in Russian to the soldiers, and they begin to pick the three of us up, and put us into chairs.

"Leave us alone!" I yell. We're placed in a triangle facing away from each other, Steve still asleep.

"Steve? Steve wake up!" Robin yells to no avail. The Russians tie us down to the chairs. "What did you do?" 

The Russian general lifts up Steve and I's faces and admires the damage he's done.

"Don't touch them!" Robin yells. The general drops our faces. 

"Steve, Steve, can you hear me?" I ask.

"I think you friend need a doctor." The general says. No shit. "Good thing we have the very best." He's standing directly in front of Robin now. The officer laughs, and Robin simply spits in his face.

Love in 1985 - (1.) Robin Buckley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now