(16.) Tammy Thompson (Part 2)

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(Warnings: Mentions of drugs, a few Pov changes)

Y/n's Pov:

"Tammy Thompson." Robin says. "I wanted her to look at me. But... she couldn't pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair." And suddenly I forget how to breathe. Is it really possible that Robin is... like me? Or is this just another misunderstanding?

"And I didn't understand, because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor." Robin continued. "And you asked dumb questions. And you were a douchebag. And... And you didn't even like her and... I would go home... and just scream into my pillow." 

I couldn't believe it. This entire time, I was convinced that Robin liked Steve back. But for once in the entire history of Hawkins, Steve Harrington didn't get his wish. And I hated to say it, because Steve was my friend, but I was glad. 

"But... Tammy Thompson's a girl." Steve said, oblivious to what Robin was trying to say. 

"Steve." Robin said quietly. I guess this was the test of friendship for Steve. Was he still the same douchebag he was in highschool? 

"Yeah?" He answered, still confused. "Oh." He said, finally understanding. 

"Oh." Robin replied jokingly.

"Holy shit." Steve says. I swear to God if he does anything cruel to her I will beat the ever living light out of him before he can tell Nancy Wheeler that he's still secretly in love with her. 

"Yeah, holy shit." Robin adds. I could hear the fear in her voice. It's silent for a moment, before Robin speaks up again.

"Steve... did you OD over there?"

"No, I just, uh... just thinking." He replies.

"Okay." Robin says, almost whispering. I was about to go over there before Steve says something again.

"I mean, yeah. Tammy Thompson, you know, she's cute and all, but... I mean, she's a total dud." He says. 

"She is not." Robin says defensively.

"Yes, she is. She wants to be, like, a singer. She wants to move to, like, Nashville and shit." Steve says. 

"She has dreams!" Robin says. By now the tears had stopped and my hopes were back in the air. If Robin used to like Tammy Thompson, there was a chance that she could like me. 

"She can't even hold a tune. She's practically tone-deaf. Have you heard her?" Steve asks, earning a laugh from Robin. "All the time! You see me now tonight, you see me--" Steve starts singing, causing Robin to laugh once again.

"Shut up!" She yells. "She does not sound like that."

"She sounds exactly... That's a great impersonation of her." Steve says.

"She does not. You sound like a Muppet." Robin says.

"She sounds like a Muppet! She sounds like a Muppet giving birth." Steve says, all three of us laughing. 

"And if you could hold me tight!" Steve starts singing again. 

"We'll be holding on forever!" Robin and I join in, this being the first thing I've said since we entered the bathroom. 

"Oh my God, Y/n! Have you been back there the entire time?" Robin asks me.

"Yeah, I mean what was I supposed to do, disapear into thin air?" I asks jokingly. 

"Seriously?" Steve says in disbelief. "Wow. Wait, where are the kids?"

"I think they should still be in the theater." I tell Steve. 

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