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"Uhhh... Mr. Kirkland?..."
"Ummm..... some of your trade partners want to meet with you soon about some deals," My secretary spoke. I held my head, frustrated, and stood up to look at her. "Tell them they can make a meeting with me instead of showing up unannounced," I said, annoyed. She nodded at me, worried, and began to run away. Since founding this company, people have stressed me out even more. I get that oil is a big deal, but does everyone need to be so far up my ass right now?

I rubbed my eyes as I checked my watch for the time. I know I do have that dinner tonight. I should probably make sure everything is ready for my guests tonight. I walked towards the door and immediately opened it. Lots of people straightened up and watched me quietly.

I have no idea why people are so scared of me... I try to be nice to everyone. I hate idiots!! Especially the ones that think they can walk all over me just because I'm young.

The only ones who think I'm nice are my kitchen staff and some of the maids. Many of my newer staff don't try to talk to me.

I began to walk down the stairs, and suddenly I was surrounded by my maids asking questions. "Which colors look best?"

"That one.."
"What should be the main course?"
"What kind of silverware would you like?"
This dinner was a big deal for lots of my investors. It was more of an appreciation dinner for them. They are primarily why I was able to build myself up so fast.

I began to walk towards the kitchen and smiled at everyone as I walked in, hearing music. "Ahhh!! Arthur!! Where have you been? Did you like your breakfast?" One of the maids asked with a smile. I smiled at her and took a seat at the table. "Great! I loved the jam," I smiled.

"Arthur! Get down from that table right now!" Mama Elizabeth laughed. She nudged me, and I shook my head. "I'm the head of the house, and I can do whatever I want," I laughed. "Oh, Arthur! You are just as silly as your mom," she laughed.

"So get this, love!! I went hunting the other day, and as I was about to shoot this duck," I began to mimic a gun in my hands, and I pointed straight, "the duck nearly got away! But I was able to get that bastard," I laughed. The maids began to laugh around me, and it was so sweet.

My staff was the closest thing to family for me, so it made me sad when rumors that I was a cruel-hearted jerk came out. I made sure my staff lived very well and never had to worry about things they needed in life. I'm sure it was mostly my partners who started rumors like that to get all of London to talk.

It didn't help that everyone now had a telephone within range to communicate more often. It kept people afraid to mess with me, so I didn't mind too often. "Oh, Arthur!! When will you marry? I want you to have a family," she spoke. "Ahhhh..... I'm still young! But right now, everyone is scared of me, so maybe not anytime soon," I laughed.

"Maybe try smiling?"
"Ahhhh... not possible," I laughed.
"How is dinner working out?" I added.
"Very well... Don't worry about dinner! You have to start getting ready! Don't forget that tomorrow you have to go to that party too," she spoke. "Ahhh, yes! To meet the one I love, maybe?" I declared.

I stood up to the music as I pulled her in to dance with me. "Arthur darling, you must prepare yourself," she giggled. "Alright then..... maybe I can bring a nice gift back," I smiled at the maids. I stopped dancing and fixed my tie.

"Ahhh... I know you will make a lucky girl happy," she smiled. I laughed nervously and nodded. I didn't care too much for women. I knew I was supposed to marry and have kids... But I just have never been in love, let alone with a woman. I think it would be hard to meet new people.

I just wanted to see how much longer I could be single before I was forced to marry. The maids began to push me out of the kitchen, and I started to laugh. "Fine, I'll go!!! But you'll never see me again," I said jokingly.

They shut the doors behind me, and I began to watch as much of my staff ran around all over the place. The dinner wasn't going to be long, and I was going to thank them, make conversation and discuss other things to help the oil business. I had fields back in America, so I often traveled back and forth.

I was going to be in London for another six months before leaving again. I hate leaving the manor unattended, but I had many staff to watch over the place.

I looked at the mirror on the wall near me and began fixing my hair a little bit. I'm sure having a family might be a good solution... but I'm worried about being too busy for them. I don't want to marry for money... I have plenty of that. If I were to get married, it would be because I love and adore who I am with.

I hardly have time to date, let alone go out... so that's the problem. If I decide to throw myself into a marriage... it would define loveless. I would not dream of making my future spouse feel a certain way about my work or not having any time for them. I don't want that at all.....

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