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"Francis? What are you doing here? Where is Arthur? We really need to talk to him" Matthew spoke to me. "Antonio needed to talk to him alone I think.... He told me to stay behind..." I told him. I looked over to Alfred who was nervous jumping on his toes. "What's going on?" I asked confused.

Matthew looked at me nervously and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's about your sister.... They found her..... but she is in trouble and so are you" he started. My eyes widened and I shook my head. "Why? I haven't done anything..." I spoke.

"Well..... uhhhh it's a long story, but basically she works for one of Arthur's other investors and she is in a lot of debt... did you know?"
"Debt? From what?"
"Hmmmm? They told us that the reason the two of you fled France was because of debt..." Matthew spoke.

I shook my head disagreeing "no!! We left because we lost our jobs.... We have always lived together... neither of us have ever borrowed money before... like I said before, we didn't have enough money to take the boat together so we left separately.... That's how we got separated and lost.... She couldn't owe debt.... It's just not possible" I spoke confused.

Matthew's eyes widened and he looked to Alfred freaking out. He began to shake him saying something and Alfred looked shocked too. They began to talk about something and I just watched them nervously. I swear that one day I will speak English so I can understand all the things they say, including all of the idiot things they say that Arthur tells me about.

Suddenly it hit me and I began to smile in a very excited way. My sister!! They found her!!! We could be reunited again and I can try and take care of her and make sure she is safe!!

"Wait!!! So you found my sister? But she works for a friend? What is going on?" I asked.
"Uhhh.... Well.... Since she is in debt to Gilbert... the man who basically owns her for the next forty years.... But they want a trade...."
"A trade?....."
"For your sister... they want you to be a servant.. for the next forty years of your life"

My eyes widened and I could see how sad Matthew got. How is this possible? She never borrowed money... in fact, I handled all the financial things in the house. If I don't trade myself she will be stuck in a miserable life... she'll never have the family she wanted.... And how would I be a good brother to let that happen?

"Then I'll switch with her? I'll pay off this debt that I have no idea where it came from" I said. Matthew put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. "I don't think we got everything.... You swear that you never borrowed money?"

"Yes!! I don't even know who this Gilbert guy is!!!"
"I see...... we might have an issue then" Matthew spoke seriously. He began to talk to Alfred and I could see how Alfred got pissed. "He is doing this on purpose!!! I know he wants something out of Arthur! He has always hated him deep down and will do anything to take him down..... I think he is lying to him.... He wants something from him specifically...."

My eyes widened hearing this and I began to look around. "Come on!!! I saw them go this way! We have to stop him from convincing Arthur anything" I explained. Matthew nodded at me and we began to move quickly up the steps. Matthew was pulling Alfred along too since he might have been confused.

I began to look around at the top of the stairs and began to see which doors were unlocked or had lights on inside. "Why would he lie though?" Alfred said. I looked at him confused and Matthew turned to me.

"I don't know!" Matthew shrugged. I rolled my eyes at their bickering and began to slowly approach a door. There were lights in but it was locked. I slowly pressed my ear against the door and Alfred and Matthew stopped beside me. "Do you hear anything?" Matthew asked.

I shook my head and tried to focus on what might be going on. There was a little bit of mumbling but the doors were really thick and I could really only hear footsteps. I heard a sudden crash and I jumped from where I stood. "Something is going on in there, we need to break down the door" I spoke.

"What? Antonio is going to be so pissed!" Matthew spoke. He looked to Alfred and pointed to the door and he began to smile. Alfred nodded his head and began to back up. I looked at him confused and Matthew suddenly pulled me away from the front of the door.

Alfred then began to crack his neck and suddenly he....


He ran towards the door and within a single bang, he managed to knock it in. My eyes widened and I looked to Matthew who didn't see an issue with it. Why do I get the feeling that this is definitely not their first time breaking a door in?

There was a little smoke but once Alfred stood up and wiped himself off , Matthew and I walked into the room. What I saw next made me get so angry.

Antonio was on top of Arthur and was completely beat up. Arthur was on the ground breathing heavily and had a bloody nose. It looked at if Antonio was just about to punch him when we came in.

He had has hands around Arthur's tie and they both kept glaring at each other. I felt myself get so angry that I ended up walking over to them and pushing Antonio off of him. I don't care if he was a powerful person that could make me disappear.

I couldn't stand looking at him do this.

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