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The night of the party, Matthew and Alfred decided to go ahead of us that night. I had to make sure that Francis looked perfect. It was also the first time we actually interacted with each other. Yesterday, I was too nervous and would just wave and not say anything or even look at him. I was too embarrassed to do anything, I didn't know what was wrong with me? I was in my mid twenties, I was a company owner, I was known to be serious, but I was this embarrassed?

How pathetic.

"Mr. Kirkland.... How should we do his hair?" One of the maids asked. I was sitting in the room with them making sure everything went smoothly. "A pony tail should be fine" I spoke. Francis was sitting down and I was trying to figure which suit to give him. "This one.... It's classic" I smiled. Francis would watch me as I directed everyone, and it made me a little more nervous.

"Sir, you will look darling" one of the maids cheered as she worked on his hair. "I'll wait down stairs and get the car ready, I don't want to be here when he changes..... just call to me whenever" I explained. I waved a goodbye to everyone and gave Francis a thumbs up.

Francis watched me as I left and it was hard for me not to notice. I think he was wondering about the letter he wrote. It is for a fact that I did write a response to him. I was also extremely nervous to give it to him, I know it isn't anything bad.

However, what he told me was very sudden.... I thought that maybe if he did see me a certain way, he would try to hide it, or understand it wouldn't work out?

I thought about it a lot yesterday as I made the response letter. I knew that my feelings were more than just friendly love. I actually had feelings for him, but I knew I couldn't tell him because of consequences, we could never be together. My chest aches more having to go through that than not saying anything.

However, although I felt that way. I still managed to write him back telling him how I feel. I'm an idiot for it, but I don't want him to feel like it's one sided, but I also want to clarify that there can't be anything between us, besides a friendship.

When Francis was done getting dressed, the urged me to make sure everything looked fine. And it did for obvious reason. He looked good in anything he wore so it didn't surprise me that he looked good now. "You look great" I smiled at him. I dusted his shoulders off and he continued to smile at me.

"Arthur, the car is ready dear" mama Elizabeth spoke. "Thank you, we are leaving now" I explained to her.  I gestured for Francis to follow me out and he did so happily. We both went into the car, and once we sat down and closed the door, the driver began to leave.

So the party we were invited to was another friend of mine. His name was Antonio and he always threw lots of extravagant parties. He owns lots of car companies in Spain and decided to move to England to open another factory. One thing that was surprising about him, is that he was always the type to sleep around. He wasn't married, didn't have any kids, and slept with anyone who would let him. Kind of shocking honestly.

His manor wasn't far from where I lived either. The area that I lived was the south of England outside of London, and it had lots of wealthy property owners. anyone who was anyone got invited to these type of parties. If you lived in the area and weren't invited, it's definitely a cause for concern. Now only would it damage a reputation, but also an ego as you saw lots of lights coming from a specific house.


I owned lots of oil reserves in multiple countries, lots  of the people in the area buy from me, including Antonio. He needed the oil and I needed him as a buyer, so we tried to never cross each other. Although he was definitely an idiot sometimes, I chose to just ignore it. Even if he says some things that might be back handed.

That only meant that I could say something back too, but I couldn't take it too far, and he did the same. If I wasn't into all this business stuff, more than half the people I meet or talk to, would not be my friends. The only people I'd have around is Matthew and Alfred.

They were rich and snobby sometimes, as any of us can get sometimes. But they were real, they didn't rely on these people to build themselves up more. They inherited a lot of their money and got along with everyone. They didn't care how people saw them. Must be nice honestly....

I try not to care so much, but in the end people see me as some demon. I'm sure sometimes Alfred and Matthew were a little scared of me back then when we were younger. I do admit that back then I was way worse, but now things are different.

Especially lately, I think I've been much happier than before. I turned to Francis and smiled at him as I began to gently place my hand on his, squeezing it a little. I knew Antonio was going to have a few things to say, but I promised myself I'll just ignore him and not take it to heart. He always has things to say, so I'm used to it by now. He was an idiot that wanted attention all the time and I wasn't going to let myself give it to him.

I felt Francis squeeze my hand back, and I couldn't help but smile out the window.

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