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I sat in silence as he read the letter. I felt so nervous about it and I didn't know what else to do. My face was hot and I tried to fan myself a little but nothing was working. "Arthur?" He suddenly spoke. I jumped in my place and looked to him. He looked me in my eyes and nodded. "Je comprends... Mais je t'aime"

My eyes widened hearing "I love you" in French. "No... we can't though" I spoke. He nodded and began to come closer towards me. "Arthur..... just one..." he spoke.

He reached his hands into my hair and I immediately melted feeling him touch me. My eyes widened looking at him and he slowly began to come closer. "Kiss me?" He asked. I felt my face get hot and I moved my hands to his face. "Just one" I spoke. I leaned into him and began to straighten myself out as I kissed him.

His lips were so soft and I couldn't help myself. I wanted more of it!!! I began to kiss all over his face and then down to his neck. "We can't be doing this" I spoke missing him. "Arthur mon amour..." he whispered.

I continued to get onto him more and suddenly it was like something hit me. My eyes widened and I felt my face turn red as I stopped kissing him. "No! We can't" I spoke. I separated from him quickly and began to fix myself. However, he just stared at me extremely shocked. I saw how messy his hair had gotten from me putting my hands in them.

I felt really embarrassed about throwing myself at him like that. I tried to look away from him as he began to sit up and fix himself too. I covered my legs and began to pinch my cheeks a little. I had gotten turned on!!!!


I can never show my face again!!!

"Arthur...?" He spoke softly. He put the letter into his pocket and I saw how he looked put together again. "It's okay..." he said trying to reassure me. "I'm so sorry" I spoke nervously. I'm not much of a gentleman any more.

"ARTHUR?!!! Are you here?" I heard Alfred voice. Our eyes widened and I immediately stood up. "Come on!! Let's leave before they find us" I whispered. Francis took my hand and we began to run deeper into the garden so we could go around the house and back to the front.

He hid behind a tree a ways down and we watched as Alfred and Matthew walked into the area we were just at. I looked to Francis and we both began to laugh quietly. "Shush shush..." he whispered. He began to grab my hand and we ran towards the outside of the garden towards the house. It was a dark area so nobody could really see us.

I looked to Francis who gave me the goofiest smile. He suddenly grabbed my cheeks with his hands and pushed his lips into mine. My eyes widened and I couldn't help but melt into it.

"Wait!! We can't here.... We need to get back inside" I interrupted. I pulled away from him and gestured for him to follow me around the manor and towards the front.

When we made it there, I saw Antonio looking around. "Just act natural" I said to him. I took few breaths in and out and began to stand up straight. Francis fixed his hair a little and we both began to walk towards him.

"Arthur? Where did you go?"
"I said I needed air..... why?"
"Listen... can we talk privately?" Antonio asked. I lifted a brow confused at him but nodded my head slowly. "Okay....." I spoke. I began to follow him up the steps and suddenly he stopped to look at Francis. "Alone please...." Antonio looked at him.

He gestured for him to stay there and Francis looked a little ticked off by his hand placement. I smiled at him reassuringly and Antonio began to pull me up the steps in his home and towards a room. "What are you planning?" I asked.

"Me? Planning something? No I just needed to discuss something with you" he laughed. I pulled my hand away from him as he led me in the room and I watched as he locked the door behind us.

"Are you going to kill me finally?" I asked.
"No Arthur.... But it's about Francis..." he started. I lifted an eyebrow confused and leaned against a table that was in there. "What about him?" I asked.

"Alfred and Matthew explained the situation about his sister and found some information on her through Gilbert.... You know, the German guy..... he says that he has a maid in his place that goes by the name... only speaks French.... And arrived in London almost a month ago maybe more..." he started.

My eyes widened and I felt so happy to hear the news. "That's great! We should tell Francis!" I spoke. I began to reach for the door and he stopped me. "No..... you can't do that..."
"What? Why?"
"I don't think Alfred or Matthew told you yet..... they went out looking for you, but who knows what disgusting thing you were doing with that man..."
"Hey!!! What? What are you talking about?"

"His sister..... she is ..... let's say.... A lot of debt.... That's why she fled with her brother to London.... They had money issues.... She works for Gilbert and owes him money..... so you can't just let him know that.... You see, Gilbert isn't willing to just let her go without payback....So, I have some solutions" he started.

"What? You want me to pay the debt off? It's done I'll do it...."
"No not that.... Too simple you see....in order for her to leave, either you give Francis to him... as a servant of course... or me..... I've been looking for a replacement anyways, and how funny would it be if it were Francis.... So him for her... no trade backs... also....." he stopped and I felt my blood boil.

"It's a debt so you know how those things go.... I reckon it is equivalent to forty years of service to us."
"What? How much did she borrow?"
"Ahhh... a couple grand.... She ended up blowing it pretty badly... isn't that funny"
"I'll give you double for her...."
"Ahhh, money won't be able to help you this time... so it's either or."
"That's terrible! I could pay triple the money they owe, these people will be miserable.."
"And why should you care?"

He looked at me and I began to glare at him. "He is beneath you.... You think he actually wants to be your friend? He is probably pretending so he can get money out of you!!"
"Shut up!!! Francis would never!!"
"And how would you know? You can't even speak to him?"
"We find ways!!!!"
"Oh? Find ways to "talk".... ???" He started
"I think I know what's going on!!!! He is your bitch!!!!!"

My eyes widened at what he said and I punched him in the face.

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