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The next morning I woke up early to check on Francis. Luckily he didn't leave in the middle of the night. I was worried that he might have. "Francis?" I knocked and coming into the room. I looked towards the bed and he was still sleeping. "Come on! It's already late in the day, you need breakfast" I explained. I walked over towards him and began to gently shake him. "Hey... it's morning" I spoke.

His eyes began to slowly open and I couldn't help but stare again. He had the most prettiest eyes I had ever seen. "I'll leave you alone to get dressed" I spoke. I pointed to some clothes I left for him in the nightstand and he nodded.

I moved away from him and began to make my way out of his room when I heard shouting. My eyes widened and I quickly began to leave his room towards all the noise. "WHERE IS ARTHUR?!! HE HAS EXPLAINING TO DO!!" I heard. Oh shit!!!! Alfred...

I quickly ran downstairs and I could see how upset he was. "Hey!! It's my bad... something came up and I had to leave" I explained. "What? What could have been more important.... Amelia said you suddenly left and then Matthew couldn't find you" he spoke. I looked over to Matthew who was just silently standing.

"I'm so sorry.... But it was important I promise..." I tried to explain. "The only way for me to forgive you is if you go on a date with someone" Alfred spoke. "Huh?! Still on that? I don't want to date!" I said annoyed. I gestured for my staff to clear the room and I looked at him annoyed. "I'll date when I'm ready... there is no rush for me, my life doesn't depend on it" I spoke.

"We are just trying to look out for you.... Alfred is mostly sad that you didn't stay for the fireworks.... But he just needs to get it out of his system"
"Hey!!! I'm seriously upset you know!"
"Yeah yeah!!! You can't be mad at him to save your life.... He was just worried about you" Matthew laughed. Alfred rolled his eyes and he looked at me seriously. "Really though.... What happened? You can tell us" he spoke.

I felt nervous about telling them and I noticed how Matthew's eyes looked up. I looked to where he looked and saw Francis watching us from above the stairs. "Who is that?" Alfred asked. Oh snap!!! What if they get angry.

"Well..... his name is Francis... I'm helping him"
"Helping him? With what?" Alfred asked worried. "I found him and I wanted to help him" I spoke. "You're helping a homeless person? What if he did something crazy and killed you or robbed you?" Matthew spoke worried. "I promise!!! Please.... Just both of you calm down for a second and just listen to me"

They both stopped talking and I took a deep breath. "Firstly.... I know you are looking out for me... but really! I'm just fine being single right now... I promise that one day I will settle down but right now I'm not ready..... and I know he is homeless.... But he needed help. I know that there were risks but I was willing to take them.... He is super nice and hasn't done anything odd.... I promise..... but please I just need your help."

"With what?" Matthew asked softly. They both seem to have calmed down and they both looked to me seriously. "He doesn't speak English... only French..." I explained.

"Oh! Matthew knows French!" Alfred cheered. My eyes widened and Matthew nodded his head. "It's like their second language in Canada" he explained. "Oh my goodness!!! Thank god!! Please!! Can you talk to him?" I asked.

I looked up towards Francis and gestured for him to come down. He nodded at me and slowly began to walk down the steps. "Bonjour... Arthur veut donc savoir ce qui se passe avec toi ? Je parle français, alors dites-moi tout et nous trouverons une solution."

I had no idea what they were talking about so I tried my best not to beat myself up over it. "Oui ! J'ai juste besoin d'aide pour trouver ma sœur... nous nous sommes séparés en route pour Londres et j'ai décidé de camper dans les bois. Arthur m'a beaucoup aidé et je l'apprécie vraiment... pouvez-vous le lui faire savoir?" Francis spoke.

"He says that he appreciates everything you have done for him... and that he is looking for his sister..." Matthew spoke to me. They continued to talk more and I can try to gather what they were saying by the gestures. "Can you ask what her name is... we can try to ask around" I spoke. Matthew nodded and began to ask.

"Her name is Lucille Bonnefoy.... He last saw her at the English Channel, leaving France" Matthew explained. They continued to talk some more, even exchanging a laugh and I wanted to know what was so funny.

I looked over to Alfred who didn't seem to care that much about what they were saying. "Im sorry for trying to force you into marriage..... I just want you to be happy" Alfred suddenly apologized. "I am happy though..... it is just not that important to me" I spoke.

"I know some people at the police station.... I can ask them to get the word around to find his sister" Alfred spoke. "Thank you..." I smiled at him.

"Francis is wondering if there is anything he can do to make up for him staying here" Matthew spoke. "No!! Nothing" I looked to Francis. "He can stay here for as long as he needs to" I answered. Matthew translated and I saw how Francis began to grow the cutest smile.

"Thank you..." he spoke. I smiled at him and watched as Alfred and Matthew watched me. "Alright... is that all you came here for?" I asked. "Yes... kind of....but also we wanted to stay with you" Alfred spoke turning red.

I face palmed hearing that and I knew it was a matter of time. "Fine!!! But no parties!! And don't make so much noise" I said. "You got it!!! We promise to be good!" They cheered.

I swear... they acted like such children.

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