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That night before dinner , I was sitting in the library with Francis. I wanted to keep him company but he seemed preoccupied writing some things down. It was all in French so I couldn't even peek over to see. I sat across from him and placed my chin on the palm of my hand...watching him.

He looked so focused and so....beautiful.

I felt myself stare at him seriously as I felt myself get hot. I mistook him for a girl before....but I know he isn't.... So why do I have feeling of fancy towards him. We didn't talk to much to each other in the past week. We mostly just gesture towards each other and sit together in silence.

I did want to get to know him more, but it was really hard to do that right now. We didn't know how to speak to each other and it made me anxious. It made me that way because I wanted so badly to talk to him... or to just hear his voice.

The first few days he was here, all he did was focus on finding his sister, but now we just had to play the waiting game till she showed up. I'm sure that when we found his sister they will need a place to stay to get on their feet.... I wouldn't mind his staying longer.... Her too of course!!!

"Quoi?" He suddenly spoke looking at me. I felt myself grow nervous as he stared back at me. I tried to look away from him but it was hard when he stared at me like that. "Nothing!! Nothing!!" I laughed shaking my head. "Arthur..." he spoke.

I looked towards his again and this time I could tell his cheeks were also pink. "What?...." I asked softly. My eyes widened as he placed his hand on mine. I didn't move it away in disgust or stop him. I liked the way he touched me.

"Tu es un homme tellement drôle" he spoke. I lifted an eyebrow at him confused. However, his smile made me let him linger his hand on mine longer. I smiled back at him and I avoided his eyes. My face was probably really red at this point and I hated myself for not understanding it.

"Dinner is ready!!!!" The door opened quickly and I pulled my hand away from Francis. I began to slap my face nervously and I turned around seeing Alfred. "You could have knocked!!!" I yelled. I stood up from my seat quickly and closed my eyes.

I knew my face probably looked ticked off but I fought through it. "Dinner is ready" I said to Francis.  I looked at him and pointed towards the door. We all began to walk downstairs and as soon as we reached the ending I saw the lady standing there.

She had long blonde hair and looked very sweet. "Alice! This is Arthur!" Alfred cheered. "Hello! Nice to meet you in the flesh, I've heard so much about you" she smiled. "Ahhh......... good things I hope" Alfred laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and she looked to Francis.

"This is a friend of mine... his name is Francis... he only speaks French though" I explained. "Oh really?" She started. She suddenly started to speak French to him and his eyes widened. They shook each other's hands and began to laugh with each other about something.

It sort of pissed me off a little..

"Let's go to dinner" I said interrupting them. I began to lead them into the dinning room and I could see that Matthew and Alfred were there already.

"Arthur! Be a gentleman and get her chair" Alfred smiled. However he had the look of a murderer. "My apologies miss, so you want to sit beside me or in front?" I asked. "In front is fine" she smiled. Francis took the seat beside me and quickly pulled a chair for her. "Thank you..." she laughed sweetly.

I took my seat next to Francis and I could see Alfred and Matthew give me a thumbs up. Music began to play behind us and I didn't know what to say to her. I felt really awkward and I wasn't used to talking to women.

"So...... what do you do on your free time?" I asked nervously. "Ahhh I like to read and write....especially reading about the economy" she spoke. This was too awkward, how come we couldn't be alone.

Francis looked at me slightly and began to speak to Alice in French. Matthew looked at them listening and he began to laugh a little. I looked back to them confused and I wasn't sure if they were hitting it off. I continued to watch as they spoke and Alice began to laugh.

This was starting to tick me off a little. I looked to Francis and softly kicked his foot. What was he trying to do? In front of me too? I swear! I bet he is such a heart breaker.

"What we're you talking about?" I smiled at Alice. "Oh!! Well he was telling me what a great guy you were.... That you just get nervous taking..... he is so sweet" she smiled at him lovingly. Uhhhh..... did he unintentionally make her like him?

"Francis does have a way with words" she smiled at him. I lifted an eye brow confused and looked to Francis who was confused. I then turned to Alfred who also looked defeated.

This didn't go as he planned I was sure, and that Francis really swooped her off her feet. I guess I can't complain. Not like I wanted to marry her or anything...

Maybe this is it!!! Francis can get my suitors to like him so I don't have to marry!!! It was the perfect disguise to get out of these weird dates that they force me to go on. The plan was perfect and I was going to use it to use it.

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