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That night as I attended the party, I could see how much fun Alfred and Matthew were having. "Hello... Mr.Kirkland?......" a woman's voice spoke. I looked to her side and saw her smile at me sweetly. "Hello....?" I spoke, confused. I could see Alfred from a distance giving me a thumbs up and I wanted to roll my eyes. "What is your name?"I smiled nicely.  "Amelia...." She spoke softly. I smiled at her softly "I'm sorry.... But I don't think this will work..." I said nervously.

Her eyes widened as I said this, and I reached for her hand. "It isn't you love.... It's me..." I said kissing her hand. "What?... but I?...." She tried to say. "Sorry again," I spoke, walking away. I felt so bad for doing that, but I couldn't talk to her.

She was a very pretty young lady..... but I just can't! I don't know why at all, but looking at her knowing it was a setup made me nervous. I walked up to Matthew, and he looked at me worried. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I can't talk to women... And I'm getting anxious right now, so I might head home," I explained.

"What? The party started an hour ago!"
"I know! But I think I might need some air or something," I said nervously. Matthew looked at me like he didn't believe me but still let it go. "Is there a way for you to just take a walk? Then we can talk later?" He asked. I really just wanted to go home.... "Fine! I'll be back in thirty minutes," I said, walking away.

"Wait!! Do you need an escort?!!! Arthur?!!!" I ignored what he said and began to walk out his front door. I continued to look around the area and saw that it was mostly a flat area except for the bundle of trees down the way. I began to walk in that direction, and I began to hear the music begin to get quieter and quieter the farther I walked.

"I swear... they don't get when I say I don't want to talk to women," I said to myself.

I looked behind and saw the manor a little farther. I continued to the area with a bunch of trees, and suddenly a light caught my eye. I tried to look closer at it, and I began to sneak toward it quietly.

It looked like a fire light? But who was out here? When there was a whole party going on right now. It couldn't be any of the staff? Right?

I hid behind a tree and began to peek straight ahead. My eyes started to slowly widen as I saw someone laying down by the fire. Who was that? Did they know this was private property? I began to slowly walk forward towards them, and I knew for sure that they must be sleeping.

I walked closer to them, and they didn't hear me or move. I felt myself become serious as I stood over them. I think it was a girl. She had shoulder-length blonde hair and long eyelashes.... She was kind of pretty.

"Excuse me?" I whispered. She didn't move?.... I began to kneel down beside her, and I looked at all the things around me. There was a tent thing that was made out of blankets. Didn't it rain the other day? Wouldn't they have gotten wet? What did this mean? Was she homeless?

"Madame...." I spoke softly, shaking her. She was curled up in a fetal position and had a blanket over her, all the way up to her nose.

Her eyes suddenly opened wide, and despite it being dark outside, I could tell they were a beautiful shade of blue. "HUHHHHH!??"

That was a deep voice? I wasn't expecting that...

She jumped up and immediately moved away from me, and I was even more shocked however I couldn't stop staring.

"A man?...." I asked, confused.

For a split second, I was attracted to his beauty... Does this mean I'm gay? Will I be hanged?

"S'il vous plaît... ne me faites pas de mal, j'étais fatigué...." They spoke. My eyes widened. It was French, I didn't understand French at all.

"I'm sorry.... But this is private property.... You can get into lots of trouble," I tried to explain. He lifted an eyebrow at me, confused, and I had no idea what to do. If Alfred or Matthew found out about this, they would probably be slightly angry with this man. "Je sais que je ne devrais pas être ici... s'il vous plaît... J'ai besoin d'une place"

He looked tired and sad...... I could tell he didn't have anywhere to go. He looked at me, scared, and I tried to come towards him closer. "S'il vous plaît...... Je vais partir maintenant" he spoke.

I felt really hopeless, not knowing what he was saying. There was a part of me that wanted to be cruel and let Alfred know... but I knew how that would go. I think I wanted to be the nice guy in this situation.

I looked at him seriously, and he looked so terrified. It was deplorable...." my name is.... Arthur..." I said, pointing to myself. "Arthur...." I repeated.

His eyes widened, and he reached a hand to himself. "Francis..." he spoke. "Arthur?..." he said with a thick accent. He pointed to me, and I nodded. "Yes..... here, let me help you..." I started.

I stood up from where I was and reached a hand out to him. He looked at it a little confused, but I urged him to take it. He slowly grabbed my hand and he smiled at me sweetly.

Francis stood up, and we were around the same height. He was a very handsome man.... It was almost surprising to see him out here. He could have gotten into lots of trouble.

I think, for now, I will take him back to my place and get him washed up and dressed so that tomorrow I can try and figure out who he is and why he was out here.

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