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The search for his sister started soon after. While he stayed with me I began to try and teach him English and I tried to pick up French too... but it was hard... as usual. He seemed to be getting English a little faster... but sometimes it's like he sleeps off everything he learned. I guess that happens when you try to learn a language late in life.

It had been a week since the search began and Alfred and Matthew have refused to leave till she is found. Thankfully, they have been quiet and staying out of the way.

I was looking around the place for Francis and suddenly saw him in the library.  I peaked at him through the doors and I could see that he was reading something. I know lately he has been freaking out about finding his sister, so it was nice to finally see him sit down and take a breath. I wonder how long he will be staying with me? I don't really mind however long he stays though.

"Uhhhh Mr. Kirkland...?" I heard a voice behind me. It caused me to jump and turn around quickly. "What?" I asked startled. "It's Mr. Adnan...." The maid spoke. "Does he have a meeting?" I asked. She shook her head and I rolled my eyes. "Let's go then" I spoke seriously. She nodded at me and we quickly began to make our way downstairs.

Adnan was waiting by the front doors and lots of commotion began to emerge. "Ahhhhh Mr. Kirkland!!! I've been trying to get ahold of you..."
"Is it that important that you couldn't request a meeting?" I asked seriously. I began to walk down the steps and I could see how Alfred and Matthew started to be nosy by watching us from above.

"Yes.... There is something I need to discuss with you?" He started. I looked at him seriously and felt annoyed. "What is it?" I spoke. I didn't care too much about this guy.... He did business with me by buying my oil and selling it... lots of people did that.

He began to get closer towards me and moved back. " I came here to tell you that you need to raise the oil prices!!" He demanded. I tilted my head looking at him and began to laugh. "And why is that?" I asked serious. "Lots of the oil you produce has been getting into the wrong hands..... to people who don't even know what to do with it... small businesses and it's taking money away from the bigger ones" he spoke.

"Heh..... my oil is cheap and really good.... Plenty of people buy from me... what they do with it is none of my concern" I hissed. I looked up to see that Alfred and Matthew were watching with a smile... then suddenly Francis emerged confused. "Are you serious??? Don't you want big companies to keep buying from you?"

"Hmmmm? I have plenty of buyers..... and that is none of your concern. You sir aren't my biggest buyer, and definitely aren't my last.... So piss off please" I said annoyed. I could tell he got really mad with me and ran towards me. I looked at him shocked and he began to shake me around. "Let go of me..." I said annoyed. "You are just some spoiled kid who doesn't know how to manage a business!!!"

"I'm doing fine... now let me go... before I call the police and I make it so that the only thing for you to sell is dog food at the market" I threatened. He shoved me away from him and I began to fix myself. "You are crazy!!!!! Absolutely crazy!!" He began to yell at me.

I looked up again and saw how freaked out Francis looked. However Matthew and Alfred kept smiling at me... they never stepped in because they knew I could handle myself.

People like Mr. Adnan were the kinds that spread rumors when they didn't get what they wanted. He came here for nothing... just to make a fool of himself and still buy from me. "Please leave..." I demanded. He spit on the floor and turned around angry.

Once he left lots of my staff approached me to see if I was okay. "I'm fine... can someone just clean up the mess?" I asked.

Francis suddenly walked towards me and he looked at me concerned. "Ça va ?" He asked. I nodded at him and saw Matthew and Alfred come down towards me. "Oh wow!! What was up his ass?" Alfred laughed. "He wanted people to go out of business... that's what" I explained.

Matthew explained to Francis what happened and he nodded concerned. "Well! Thank god all he did was shake you! Imagine if he pulled out a gun?" Alfred said seriously. "Well.... If he were to, don't think about being the hero and jumping in, either of you! I'd rather get shot then one of you because of my attitude" I spoke to them.

Francis kept staring at me and I noticed. I looked at him back as Matthew and Alfred began to talk. Soon we just kept staring at each other. I did a "what" expression and he soon began to smile at me.


why was he just staring at me like that?

I looked at him shocked as he smiled looking away. I felt my face get hot and I looked at him curiously. His face looked so lovely the way he pretended to not feel me staring. He had a funny smirk on his face and it made me feel a certain way.

"Oh yeah!! We invited a girl over for you to talk to tonight"
"Huh???? I said no guests!!!!"
"We know but she is a close friend!! Her name is Alice and the two of you have lots in common!!! So be nice!!" Alfred spoke.
"I thought you said you'd stop?"
"Yeah I know but it doesn't hurt to talk to her" he smiled. They were idiots!!!!

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