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June 1, 1920

"Arthur ...
You light my heart on fire every time you are near. My friendship with you will always be dear to me and I want to see us thrive. Maybe one day when my English is better we can talk in person about this? Suddenly you appeared before me, and I just want you to adore me with everything you have"

June 3, 1920

"Dear Francis,
I think you should really stop acting like you need attention all the time. Maybe you could use the energy to find a wife.... Or maybe you can't? You are so funny for thinking a letter like that would get a reaction out of me.

Without love, Arthur.."

June 5, 1920

I noticed the other day you were eating something weird? Can you explain it to me? I didn't realize British food looked that way, maybe you should let me cook for you one day? Alone? We could find lots of things to talk about, well.... Maybe not so much talking...

Without love, Francis"

June 8, 1920

"Dear Francis,
It's good I promise. Also I wouldn't mind if you cooked for me, just as long as I get to show you some of my skills? Also, I think we should get you some different clothes at suit you more. Let's go out and I'll buy you all the clothes you want. I can't have you wearing mine all the time, I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. Let's go together! Maybe alone? If you don't mind the awkward silence?"

June 10, 1920

I would love that! You always never disappoint, I love that about you. I don't mind the silence at all, it just means I can get a better look at you without you making angry faces.


June 11, 1920

I've been invited to a party, lots of fancy people there and I want you to come with me. Matthew and Alfred are already attending, but I figured you and I can show up together? I'll tell people we are great friends. That would mean that in a few days we should definitely go and get you some new clothes. It's a masquerade so everyone has to wear masks! If you have a preference with anything just let me know and I will help you. I wouldn't imagine going with anyone else, I know women might try to talk to me but as you can tell... I'm not interested in dating or marriage, so just ignore them please. I just want you to feel comfortable and to keep me company.

I know that might be a little sudden, but I love being around you a lot. Plus, maybe we can escape somewhere and be alone for a minute or two. It isn't much, but I would be looking forward to those two minutes all night. So, please say you will come with me, it would be amazing to have you beside me.

With gratitude, Arthur"

June 13, 1920

"Dear Arthur,
I would love to come with you if that is allowed. I've never been to a fancy party around people like that. So hopefully you can teach me a few things. Also, I won't pay those women any mind, all I care about is you and only you. You make me so happy and comfortable, I'll do anything you ask me to do, no questions asked. You are the most amazing person, and I wish we could be closer.

You are my favorite person in the world and the greatest friend I've ever had. I adore you so much and love being around you. Also, I would be looking forward to those two minutes of alone time with you, I'm sure that since we wouldn't need to talk so much, we can find something else to keep us busy.

With great adoration, Francis"

I sat back in my chair reading the latest letter Francis had sent me. I felt my face feel hot and I didn't know what to do with myself. I had secluded myself in my office and I was smiling at the letter.

I rested my cheek in the palm of my hand as I stared at it. His hand writing was so beautiful and delicate. The way you talked about me made my heart explode. I wanted to give everything I had to him and more. I would give my life for him a million times and wouldn't regret it for a second.

"Huh.... My dearest Francis" I whispered to myself. I smiled at the letter and began to hold it close to my heart. If I could tell him everything I was feeling right now I would. This was just friends caring for each other... nothing more than that.

I began to unlock the desk drawer I had, and placed the letter at the very bottom with my other ones from him. I covered them with the other things in there and made sure I locked it extra carefully. I know it shouldn't be a secret, but it still felt wrong the way we talked to each other some times.

I wanted to cherish him for as long as I lived. I wanted to hold him in my arms tightly and never let go of him. My sweet, dearest Francis... he was all I could think about.

That was what has been on my mind. Work, and then lots of Francis swarming my thoughts. Even being away from him made me just want to go home quickly just so I could see him. Luckily, Matthew and Alfred haven't caught on to how close we've gotten, so I don't mind.

I know they would be going back to their home soon, but I wasn't really rushing them. I didn't want to seem too suspicious, even though I was excited to be alone with Francis more often. Sometimes they are always around and kill the mood.... Or even almost see something suspicious.

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