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The next day around noon, Alfred and Matthew were out. I took this opportunity to ask Francis if he wanted to join me in the garden for tea. I quickly walked to the library where he usually was and I saw him writing stuff down again. "Francis?..." I spoke. He looked t me and flashed a sweet smile. "Yes?" He asked. "Come with me, for tea?" I gestured him to follow me. He nodded his head slowly and began to gather his things.

He began to follow behind me and I stayed silent. I led him down the stairs and out the back to the garden. I would occasionally turn to look at him, but he seemed so amazed with the manor. I took him to the back and once he saw it his eyes widened. "Come now.... It's a little farther" I smiled. I grabbed his hand gently and began to pull him into the garden.

There were large hedges that covered a certain area I liked to have my tea in. It was the center of this mini maze and it had lots of flowers and a place for us to sit. I had asked the maids to prepare for us to sit outside, so I had been just working up the courage to just go and bring him here. I knew he would not say no, but it made me nervous.

"Oh!!!!" He spoke mesmerized. "Have a seat! This is for us" I smiled. I took a seat by the table and he began to walk slowly towards me. I had music playing, and there were two or three staff members who were around to help us.

"Please leave us alone..." I spoke nervously. Francis watch as the three women left and we were now alone. This was it! I was going to give him the letter. "Would you like some tea?" I asked pointing to the kettle. He nodded at me and I began to pour him some. "Sugar?" I asked holding up the sugar.

He pointed two fingers up to tell me how much he wanted and I gladly put some sugar in his tea. This was making me so nervous.... I couldn't help but loosen my tie. The music played quietly in the background and I slowly reached in my pocket for the letter.

He watched me confused and I felt my face get red. I had rehearsed this multiple times alone! Why was I messing up now!

"Here.... This is for you..." I spoke looking away. I handed him the letter and his eyes widened. "Arthur!!! Thank you!!!" He smiled. Hearing him say my name like that didn't make me feel any better.

Why did I think he was so cute?!!!!

"Yeah well go on!! Read it!" I spoke. I pushed the letter closer towards him and he slowly began to open it. I felt so embarrassed for him to read it now but I'd want a reaction right away.

It was silent as he read the letter, but once he finished he smiled at me so kindly. It made my face soften and I knew I was getting more and more red. "Arthur!!!! Yes!!" He cheered. He placed a hand on mine and my mind nearly exploded. I was getting so worked up for no reason.

"Don't mention it.... Really..." I spoke nervously. "I just like you a lot and I want to be good friends with you" I spoke. He looked at me so clueless and it made me a little sad. I am not sure why, but this feeling of sadness has inspired me to learn French again.

Actually learn it! Become fluent in it. I want to talk to him normally and tell him all the things I am feeling right now... in hopes that maybe he feels the same way too.

I turned to look at him and I could see he was still smiling at me. "What?" I asked feeling anxious. He placed his chin on the palm of his hand and suddenly gave me this loving look. Sort of like how Alice gave him the other night.

I sat up straight very tense and he noticed. "Détends-toi Arthur... tu peux être détendu autour de moi" he spoke. He began to rub his hand on my back and it was honestly comforting. I liked the way I felt as he touched me.

I tilted my head to look at him more clear and he was just so darling to me. "I have no idea what you said just now, but I like it" I laughed. He began to reach his hand up to me hair and he began to gently caress it.

I felt frozen again as he did this. He continued to gently fix my hair and I knew that this gesture was an act of affection from him.

I slowly reached my hand towards him and placed it on his cheek. "Your face is so soft" I smiled at him. We both stared at each other in the eyes deeply and it felt like I was falling.

My feet grew numb and my legs began to shake as we looked at each other. Why was this happening to me? Why did I feel this way. "Tu es si mignon, si seulement tu parlais français" he spoke. I lifted an eyebrow confused and he began to pinch my cheeks.

"Hey!" I said holding onto where he pinched. He began to laugh at my reaction and I looked at him quietly. He was so beautiful when he laughed. My feelings for him were heavily platonic. I cared for him a lot and I just wanted to make sure that he knew it. Now.... Hoper it might be a little easier to tell him what's on my mind every now and again. I smiled at him and began to eat and drink my tea with him. Today was a beautiful day to spend it in the garden with him.

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